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willis is learning!!


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willis (my 5 month cag) is starting to mimic things (very clearly now!) so far he does the microwave beep (it's 3 beeps in a row), he can click (like you do with your tounge), and he's starting the wolf wistle!! sometimes he does the first part of it several times before doing the second part, but i'm so excited!! and the beep for the microwave is identical! i knew (for 10+ years) how greys can imitate sounds with perfection (i've also heard this for myself), but now that willis is doing it, i'm amazed all over again lol! i find myself turning the microwave on for 1 second just so it beeps, just so willis beeps. it's so cool! maybe i shouldn't be encouraging these 'annoying' sounds but i really couldn't be happier or more excited! i just HAD to share with everyone! :woohoo:


i also have to add that he's started to do a very high pitched, very annoying, hurts my ears noise. not sure if it's something they all do (like the wolf wistle, i can't wistle and neither can my bf, so i know he didn't pick it up from us) or if it's a outside bird noise he heard and is repeating, only amplified. either way, whether it be annoying noises or microwave beeps, i COULD NOT BE HAPPIER!!! i'm sure all of you know what i'm talking about when i say i don't know what i'd do without him. i've only had him a few months and already i love him more than words can express. just thinking about him makes me smile :)

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We all know exactly how you feel about your beautiful bird because we also love our birds the same way they are very speicial in many many ways. I would not even want to know what my life would be like without them they grab onto your heart very much like your own children do and soon you have this unconditional love for them. I cant count how many times my rescued parrots bit me before they trusted me. but I never held it against them its not their fault. Ilove them sososo much. Adaya she's a total other story I have so many feeling for her she is so sweet. She is also starting to mimic sounds and can wolf whistle and the micro wave perfectly. she is trying so hard to say hello I can here her practice al the time.It is really exciting to listen to them and all the little sounds they make<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/06/02 06:34

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I know exactly what you mean! This imitating is the stuff greys were made for lol.


I can't wait for Cleo to add more sounds to her repertoire. She doesn't do a lot just yet, but I am sure it will come. She imitates the lorikeets chirps and whistles, and has perfected the wolf whistle in the last day or so. She makes sounds like a budgie does (about the only thing I can compare it to), and I think it's her speech practice, just prattling away.


I admit I have messed around with the phone, in the hope Cleo will copy the sound, and also played with the microwave for the beeps. She likes to watch Cops on tv, and although I've been advised against it, due to mimicking of sirens, I still let her lol. I am well used to the lorikeets loud and ear piercing shrieks, but find it doesn't bother me. I rather enjoy listening to the sounds of life in my house :lol:

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Oh wow that is soo cool! The other day my daughter was telling Ahjari "Hi" and everytime she said it he moved his mouth and was imitating her! I was so outdone that I called Tina and told her lol wayyyy in California. She said he is learning how to talk too! I can't wait for them to start, but man I tell ya they would have ALOT to talk about around here! :whistle:

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Aww that is great Willis is mimicing things! Isn't it amazing! Ecko is also micmicing the microwave beep and I laughed when you said you find yourself turning on the microwave to hear Willis do it because I did the SAME thing! haha I kept turning on the microwave for Ecko and now he does it soo good! He also wolf whistles and does an OOOOHHH noise and I heard him kiss before, sooo cute! Ecko isn't very loud, he is quiet most of the day and when he starts to make sounds I get soo excited and turn everything off and just listen to him! haha its amazing!! :)<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/06/02 19:01

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Isn't it wonderful what they are capable of There isn't another animal that can actualy talk to us in our own language that alone makes these birds very speicial I realy beleive they are God angel sent to earth to watch over us their just is nothing on earth that compares to their beauty and intelegence its just amazing to me.

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Congratulations on Willis and his first sounds of nearby noise makers like the microwave, phone etc. :-)


It's always exciting when they do something new, just busting buttons like you would over your own child doing something the first time.

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just had to add...


my 3 year old has had a cough the past week or so...today i hear coughing and asked if she was ok and she just looked at me like what are you talking about? then i realized it was willis!


do you think he really is learning so many things so fast or is it just my imagination? he really amazes me

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Harvey whistles all the time, but doesn't say anything yet (he's 24 weeks). I wish I could lay a bet that his first words will be "Harvey, no"!!! I must say it at least 1000 times a day (jumping on my lamps, pooing in the wrong place, trying to chew my hair)! Watch this space......I'm sure I'll be right!!!


It's great when they start new things - makes you so proud you've achieved something with them. I'm sure I'll rue the day I taught him to talk as I'm sure he'll be one of these parrots that doesn't shut up!!

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lol i can just imagine what willis' first words will be...'deagan get down here!' (my 5 year old son takes FOREVER to get ready in the morning and since i work 11-7 by the time i get home in the morning we have about 30 min before we have to be out the door)


and he's definately coughing. as the day went on it got clearer and clearer. i'll try to get it on tape cuz it's so funny. i was telling my aunt she'd have to pay attention to willis in the morning (she watches my kids while i'm at work) because he's started coughing, and she asked if i was going to take him to the vet! i had to explain he's not sick lol. i can't believe how fast he's picking things up. it seems like everyday he starts something new!

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