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First Aviator experience!!!!!


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I am SOOOOO proud of our boy!!! Chimay was so energetic when I got home, he was crawling around and wanting to climb some railing that he really shouldn't be (long drop down a flight of stairs behind it). I said to him "You wanna try something new?" So I gathered up the courage and calmly put his harness on all of the way. We've only been able to get up to one-wing-in so far in our harness training. He was not happy about it, and was chewing at the harness when not distracted by a pine nut. Haha


So we went outside!!! Well only about 10 feet out of the front door, but outside nonetheless. He was definitely interested, but I don't know how much of a regular habit we'll be making the harness outings. We rent an apartment and there are several things about the complex that I don't feel comfortable about when it comes to him being outside. 1) Stray cats. Since spring has hit there have been at least 3 that frequent our unit of the complex, some are obviously indoor/outdoor cats with owners but others are definitely strays. 2) I don't know what, if any, treatment our grass has received. Might be just fertilizer, might be pesticides, just don't know. 3) Predatory birds. I am absolutely terrified of a hawk or something swooping down to pick up my baby for lunch. I know my odds are probably slim, but for as diligent as I was being in keeping my eyes peeled I know that ambushing is a hawk's business and I don't trust my ability to spot them 100% of the time.


In the end, I think our harness time will be limited to short strolls outside on my shoulder or hand within a short proximity to our front door. Just don't want to take too many chances.

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How lucky are you! You have given us inspiration tho and I've just tried Harvey's harness on again (the feather tether, not the Aviator that I nearly hung him with!!). He squawked a little and chewed a lot, but I think I've got the hang of it. Going to tighten it up a little before I try it again next time. I might get brave and take Harvey outside after that. It's such a shame as here in the UK we've had a such a lovely couple of weeks when Harvey could have been on his playstand "free" rather than in his cage in the garden. Brilliant news - I'm inspired!!

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