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My Son has boarded the plane! long story

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I just wanted to Thank Caitlin, Melissa, Joolesgreyuk and Cindy for there support and prayers yesterday. I don't usually share what goes on in my life but here goes.


I am a native California and moved here to Ma 1 1/2 years ago. I moved from a drug and gang INFESTED area and my 2 older kids stayed in Cali. Friday night my oldest daughte calls me frantic saying my oldest son (whose 20) needs to leave asap!


He got in to 2 fights with some drug dealers over petty stuff he knocked someones hat off there head(a sign of disrespect) at any rate my son was jumped at 8am that morning and suffered a Sprained ankle after he was attacked from behind. Later on that night around 10pm my son was brutally attacked by the same young man BUT this time by 5 other men as well. My son was HIT in his temple with a Tech-9( Machine gun) and was hit a second time this time he fell to the ground. My oldest daughter was in her car and SAW the whole thing and there was nothing she could have done. She was afraid to call the police because then they would have been back to kill my son for sure. She called my nephew who came over and the men ran and left.


My son is very BLESSED to be alive. I think that we all have a Guardian Angel following us and or watching over us. My father passed away 8 years ago and I feel that he is always around me and my kids. My son is on the plane RIGHT now as I type this and will be here tonight at 9:52pm. I feel so happy inside knowing that one he is ALIVE and 2: he is on his way here.


If you have kids please HUG them and let them know how much you love them. I don't care how old they are and if you don't hug your pets, Significant others, Neighbors or just yourself knowing that you are alive and that they are loved. You never know how your life will end. It was very scary for me knowing that my oldest son might have be killed.


I just wanted to share that to say Thank You for those that have given me love. His plane ticket took all my cable money so if you don't see me online then you know the bills were cut off lol.



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hi, very sorry to hear about the trouble ur son got in to but also very happy to hear that he is on his way to you, i have 3 young kids and even in the uk there seems to be an increase in stabbings and shootings and murders so u must be soooooooooooo relieved that the is still alive and not seriously injured.


is he going to live with u or just staying for a while?

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hi, very sorry to hear about the trouble ur son got in to but also very happy to hear that he is on his way to you, i have 3 young kids and even in the uk there seems to be an increase in stabbings and shootings and murders so u must be soooooooooooo relieved that the is still alive and not seriously injured.


is he going to live with u or just staying for a while?

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HeY Carol .,

my god what you have been through and your son it is amazing that he is still with you .,i hope things will be so much better for him now that he is with you., i cant even begin to imagine what you all have been through ,and yes guadian angels do exist.,, and your son is lucky he has one,,,

all my thoughts goes to you and i hope things will be better with time,

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Oh Carol I am soo happy that your son made it on that plane! It must of been so hard for you since you are all the way across the country and you couldn't do anything for your son. I bet your are going to be so relieved when you can give him a hug!

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What can I say? As a mother myself of two children there is always something to worry about especially as my daughter is going through terrible teenage years at the moment.


I am so relieved that your son is safe and well and going home to his mum! It must have been so scarey for you being so far away from him and not being able to do anything! I dont know how you kept so calm!


Give him the biggest hug when you see him and tell him how much you love him no matter what!


I am so happy this story has a happy ending, love and kind thoughts to all your family Carol:)

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Aww Thank You Caitlin, Jooles, Sheila and Caroline. Yes I am soo happy to know that he is going to be fine. I am 41 and my mama is 73 and she STILL worries about me! lol I guess your never told old or to young to still be worried about.


Well now the twins will have someone to clean out there cage and to poop on! lol


Thank You all once again for the love and support!


ps I forgot I was still logged on uggghhh:pinch:

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I know you will be so relieved when you can finally put your hands on your son and give him the biggest hug possible, tell him he is a very lucky man and no we as mothers will never stop worrying about our children, its just not possible.

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i'm so glad he's getting away from that! a few days ago i caught something was happening with your son from the im window, but didn't want to ask what was going on. (didn't want to pry) now that i know what happened all i have to say is thank heavens he's ok! my little brother is a marine stationed at pendleton in san diego, and he's constantly telling stories about all horrible things that happen in ca. not that big cities are the only place bad things happen mind you. i live in a fairly small town (pop. of around 17,000) and within the past year or so there's been a surge of violent crimes (murders, kidnappings, assults, etc.) it's sad when you think about it, what the world is coming to...


but anyway (i apologize for going off-topic) i'm so glad your son will be home and safe soon!

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Carol I am happy that this is a happy ending for you both!!!!! I don't know what's becoming of this world it so sad that there are people out there that wil kill you without a blink of the eye!!!!!!!


And yes it's true Guradian Angels are al around us last week I had an encounter with a taxi here he stopped right in front of me and showed me signs "like I am gonna slit your throat" just because I stopped before him at the 4way and then he wanted to drive first so I drove first and he drove in right in front of me..I just sat there saying a prayer it felt like a hour but it actually was 30sec and then he drove on...Thank the good Lord for that

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GorgAss- It's ok that you went off topic :) I am from Oakland up in Northern Cali right outside of San Francisco so I know what your brother means. It's a MESS ou there! He's sleep now while im typing this and I keep looking at him he had a good hot shower last night and rested, it's probably something he hasn't done in a while. He wanted to stay in Cali to be a "man" at 19 and didn't want to move here with me and my other 2 kids. Sometimes you have to bite the bullet and just let go and move on.


I was reading what you said about your small town and that is horrible! Sounds like a bigger city but I don't know what's going on it seems it's worse day by day. That's ok if you saw it in the window you could have jumped on it :) Thank You!


Natasha- Oh my! I bet that was scary I am glad that you are ok. Yes I truly believe that we do have Angels right around us and you are proof of that too! :)

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My goodness! I don't talk to you for a week and everything under the sun happens! I'm glad your son is there and as another Cali Girl.. I know the area you're talking about and he's better off OUT of it! /hugs


Kiss my babies for me!

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Aww Thanks Tina I know it seems like forever since I lasttalked to you. My oldest daughter told me last week my son's old place was BOARDED up! I am thinking something seriously happened I am soo glad that I went with my GUT feeling and got him out of there as fast as I could!


Thank You Tina for worrying about us and I will give the babies a kiss in a few seconds :)

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Carol, this is really late, but it doesn't mean I don't feel with you.:ohmy: Oakland is bad news. The four cops who were killed there faily recently are an example. I know there are a lot of other places where crime is rampant, also. I believe in guardian angels, too. I hope you and yours are safe now.

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OMG Carol I'm so sorry to hear about your son. When my son was around 20 yrs old 5 men jumped him and robbed him as he was coming home from work he had just gotten off the train and they grabbed him and beat him very badley My son is no small guy at 6ft 6in tall but against 5 men he didn't stand a chance. I know exactly how you must be feeling I was terrified for weeks to let my son out of my sight. You have my sympathy and I'm so glad he's coming to live with you at leastyou won't have to worry everytime he steps out the door. I phoned my son right after I read this post just to let him know how much I love him. he's 35yrs old now but he will always be my one and only baby boy. I also have 4 daughters they all live close so I can see them all the time. My son lives about 75miles away so I don't see him nearly as often. I so glad to hear your son made it out of this alive he trlly does have a gardian angel God bless you and your family.

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