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Biting isues,,??


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hey there..

My tag Gaia is a very lovely bird and love to cuddle and kiss, and she talks a lot .,but i have one problem ., just out of the blue she can attack me., and she bites my fingers so it bleeds.,she really bite hard and she dont let go .. and i dont know what to do about it .,i have tried to give her time out in the cage .. i have tried to say no .,i have tried to make a screching sound like bird does when they play in between and one is a little rough.,but nothing helps ..


is there anyone that know the peoblem and maybe know how to prevent it .,i have been looking if i have looked different or smelled diefferent or anything unusual but she still do it .,


please help me.,

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Hi. I am sorry to hear you are having problems.You are right to look at any changes in your appearance but also try and look at behaviour aswell.When you get bitten are you rushing around and hyped up?greys like us to be calm around them.I take a few deep breathes if I am hyped up before going to Charlie.Try to find a patern to her biting.Above all do not make any issue of it,dont shout or give her any attention ,even by talking to her when she bites,just walk away.How long have you had her and how old is she?

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hey she .,

i try to be calm when i handle her .. and she can be happy and i can take her up .,but then she sometimes decides she dont wana come and then she bites me , but i will try harder to be real calm when handle her ,.,

i have had her since august last year and she is 5 years old now


she was really angry at the former owner and i dont know if she has bitten him because when i picked her up she wouldnt allow him to eighter take her out or put her back ín the cage and she was really angry at him ., i dont know if she has been allowed to be "the boss" where she come from .,and i cant get in contact with him anymore..,

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It sounds to me she likes being petted but only for short periods of time,Just pet her for a minuit or so and then put her down.My grey is like that,he loves being petted but all of a sudden he will nip,not too hard but enough to warn me he has had enough.I also think you are right she has been the boss.If she nips while on your hand just wobble your hand enough to make her think of her balance instead of biting.Watch her body language for warnings she is going to bite. Sometimes they just wish to be left and we must respect that.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/06/01 13:42

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oki .,thank you so much for your advise ,i will try that .,i have tried to wobble my hand but she just holds on with her beak and hold on to the hand , .,and it hurts terrible ,lool ., will just have to find the bandage ,,,but thank you so much ,:kiss:

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Sometimes they just don't want to be bothered. I try to respect Whisper's feeling when she indicates she does not want me to pick her up and just walk away. I come back late and try again and she steps right up. When they are molting their feathers can prick them when we pet or handle them so you have to be careful.

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That could be it right there, she might be going thru a molt and just doesn't want to be handled for some can be very sensitive to those pin feathers. I would respect her wanting to be left alone or not picked up and give her a little time and then try later.


The others before me posted some excellent advice also.

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Madhuri- She might also be grumpy too make sure she gets at least 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep. It's hard for me with kids in the house, so I have a travel cage that I put the twins in at night time in my room. Try and see if letting her sleep more covered up will help. I hope she will be ok and I hope your fingers will be too :)

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Hey .

i will try what you all say.. i cant see if she is molding .,she is not really loosing any of her feathers ..but maybe it is just the begining.,


she gets at least 10 hours sleep .. and im very carefull that she does..,


when she bites its mostly out in the kitchen when i put my hand infront of her to step up .,but now i have started to put my hand a little away from her so she has to come to me ,and not the other way around and she dont bite when i do that .,its like she think the kitchen is her place ., i cant wipe the table with a cloth with out she biting or hacking at me .,


but im going to give her a little space and let her come to me., and she how it goes .,thank you so much for helping me.,:)

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