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Does anybody elses Grey like to play rough?


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Adaya loves to play really rough she just loves it when I roll her over on her back and just rough house with her. she's so funny she even rolls herself over to let me know she wants to play. When were playing on the bed if my dogs jump up she wil chase them off she's very protective of her space and time with me. she does hurt them or try to bite she chases them away and once they are on the floor and off the bed she goes back to playing with me she is so silly. Does anyone elses greyy like to play rough or does Adaya just have a very strange personality.

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Hahaha Adaya is so funny! Ecko still hates to be on his back so he is not like Adaya but he does like to play rough especially on his swings. He will swing it so hard and while he is swinging he will start to attack the bells and growl loudly at it. Sometimes he forgets to hold on and he will fall to the ground but then he flies right back up and starts attacking it again because he thinks its the swings fault that he fell haha. :lol: They are too funny and sooo much fun!

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Schroeder loves to play rough and gets really nippy/bitey when he does. I am constantly reminding him to be nice and I have to be really careful not to get hurt. I know he doesnt ben to bite so hard, but he gets really excited when he plays. If I stop to calm him down a bit when he is going too far, he snorts and huffs at me, as if to say "Well, it's not MY fault you're a sissy, what's the deal?" He loves to swing from and growel at his toys. He has gotten blisters a few times when he has been teaching his rope toys to obey him and loses track of time. Schroeder is also very calm and sweet at times, he seems to operate in the 2 extremes: b@t$h!t crazy and angelic, sweet boy.

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ZZero loves to play rough, we have this game where I put my fist up and he goes WHOOSH WHOOSH, I bat him around (gently of course) and he likes me to chase him around and grab his tail. When I say I am gonna get you he runs back and forth. he love to play on his back also nto for long periods of time though, somtime he will be on my shoulder and decide to just fall forward so far I have always caught him but he tried to do it the other day when my hands were full, I panicked and dropped the stuff to catch him not really cause I thought he would get hurt but I love the game and didnt want him to lose the trust that I would catch him.

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Adaya does use her beak allot while we are playing but she never hurts she just holds on. I 'll have to remind her as she gets older to stay gentle like she is right now> I love playing with her she is such a hoot. I have to watch to make sure I don't touch any of the other birds while I'm playing with her she does try to chase them away like she does the dogs but they are older than her and I'm afraid she will get hurt. So when she's out of her cage I don't go near any of the other birds. I tell her no all the time she's not afraid of anything the little brat. Thank goodness my birds are used to being around other birds so they are very gentle and don't hurt her But they could and I don't want to take any chances. I guess its just going to take a little time to realize that we are all one big happy flock. Yes Jen Adaya can also be so sweet and she will snuggle and cuddle for hours happily getting scritches abd love. When she wants to play she plays hard and tire herself out then it cuddle time she's just the sweetest little bird I'm so glad I decided to get her even if she is allot of work right now I know I'll miss this baby stage as she gets older but socializing them and helping them to grow into independent happy birds is no easy task you have to watch them every second they are out of their cages so they don't get themselves into trouble.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/06/01 03:22

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Cleo in the last 2 weeks has decided she likes playing rough. It starts with her sitting on my shoulder and falling forward. Sometimes I have to catch her, sometimes she will grip on with her claws, hanging upside down.

She goes belly up and likes it when I waggle my fingers around her head. She chases them and grabs on firmly. Sometimes she gets a bit too excited and grabs on too hard. She also then makes that aweful crackling noise lol.

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Its only been about 10 days since Sam started playing with me during evening lap time. He's getting more and more animated each night. Doesn't go onto his back yet but boy does he get worked up. We play "get the birdie", "killer bird", and "tickle tickle tickle". I'll reach around and give him gentle pokes at different places and he chases my fingers while dancing around flapping his wings, making a bunch of different noises and huffing and puffing. The other night he got so worked up he almost fell backwards off my shoulder which brought a short scream from him. I think he startled himself. Didn't slow him down though he went right back to attacking my fingers.


So far he's still very gentle with me, never biting hard no matter how worked up he gets. I find he likes to wrestle with my losely closed fist.


Haven't tried playing with him on a surface like a bed. I wonder what he'd do with room to run around.





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Charlie loves to play rough,Either with me or his toys.I have to keep reminding him to be nice and when he gets too excited we slow things right down.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/06/01 07:54

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