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Older greys and snuggling...


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Just wondering if there are any of you out there with older greys that still cuddle...I've been REALLY enjoying Chimay and his snuggly nature right now, and it pains me to think of that stopping when he gets older and more independent (6 months old now). Is there no hope? Lol...


Thanks everyone!

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I know what you mean Cindy! I am soooo going to miss these cuddle sessions we share together! I don't want him to get bigger :dry: But I know he is and thats why I am going to treasure every moment we have while he is young. Slater is 3 years old and he still has his cuddle moments with my mom but it is rare. He is a lot more nippy with her now, I think he is still going through his terrible twos. He bit her real hard today and I am just dreading those days with Ecko. I will still love him no matter what though.

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Ugh I really hope that Chimay's terrible twos won't be all too terrible...He's a little pistol first thing in the morning though, even with me (huge mama's boy) and it almost makes me cringe to think about what he'll be like two years from now.


BUT I fully intend on eating up every little bit of this snuggly-cuddly-ness while it's around!

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Josey never was a real cuddly bird who liked to snuggle but she has her moments and they are on her terms of course but she is more receptive of any cuddling at night right before bedtime. Now my conure is about the exact opposite, she would cuddle or snuggle most any time but I love them both, snuggle or not.

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Baxters is about 13 years old. I got him last year so he was never a snuggly grey. Previous owners didn't let him out of the cage at all so I know he was never a cuddler. But I will tell you one thing, Baxter and me bonded so wonderfully that I he does not have to cuddle with me. He is still a very emotional and loving bird and his loves shows through for me without the cuddles. I'm sure the cuddles would be so sweet but just know that in the future the love will still be there and still be strong.:)

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I've been wondering about some of these same things about the older greys. Not so worried about snuggle time decreasing - Tobie snuggles, but already it is less and less. That's fine because now when he comes to me he either wants to play or just sit on my shoulder while I watch the news or read. I do worry about him becoming agressive though. In another post some of the greys like to play rough. Tobie doesn't play rough and has never bitten be hard enough to break skin, or hurt me even though he was objecting to what I was doing. I can't imagine him changing into a bird I have to use a dowel to get out of the cage or off his play stand. I wonder how many birds become biters that never bit before.

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I am looking forward to reading what other people have to say on this. Jenna was NOT a snuggler at all when she first came home. She is much more cuddly now, but even now we don't spend a lot of time snuggling. A quick scritch, a hug, and a kiss on the head when I pick her up or put her back in her cage are generally it, except sometimes right after her shower or right before bed. My vet had told me not to be overly cuddly with her because it is not normal bird behavior and could cause problems later, has anybody else had that kind of advice? I do wonder about the biting as time goes on; I hope it will never be a problem.

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Whisper has never been real cuddly. She sits on my shoulder and demands her scritches and gives me kisses but that is about it. Oh tonight she did the sweetest thing. I had a bad headache most of the afternoon. I went to the kitchen with her on my shoulder to get some aspirin. I was standing there looking at the contents of the cabinet and feeling kind of sad and worried because I have been having them a lot lately.


I said "Whisper, Mommie has a bad headache". She just reached around and and gave me a big kiss. Just like that. Nothing else. I felt better immediately.:)


Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/06/02 03:03<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/06/02 03:03

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