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Little Devil


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Char wrote:

Whenever Whisper sees me eating something she cocks her head to the side and says "Is that good? Hmmm? She also makes these smacking noises like she is eating. I did not realize I was such a noisy eater but apparently I am or she wouldn't do that.:laugh:



Hahaha that is soo funny Char! They can pick up the funniest noises!

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So I spend lots of money on colourful and awesome looking toys for Cleo. I forage around the house for bits and pieces she might like to play with. I spend time fashioning toys for her (no mean feat as I have 2 left hands). I proudly present the new toys and my creations to madame... and she decides she prefers to try and pick the buttons off the tv remote, or chew on my camera....

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LMAO!!! Like I said in my earlier post...underappreciated! Ha ha!:laugh: Chimay is the same way...no matter how many toys he has, he always looks for the next opportunity to pick at my blackberry's clip-on case or climb the decorative mirror that we have in our living room. I think we all have to just accept the fact that we no longer have stuff of our own...it's THEIR stuff that they allow us to use in order to care for or entertain them.B)

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