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Little Devil


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Ecko has found a new obsession. Everytime he sees me with a drink in my hand he flies over to me to get some of my drink. He loves juice but most of all he loves ice cold water. He tries to steal the ice cubes from me. Its so funny to watch him drink with his little tongue out but sometimes its not so fun. I can't even put the drink down without him landing on it and spilling it EVERYWHERE!! So I don't leave a drink out anymore when he is out lol. He is such a little devil :evil:



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Ha ha ha!!! I'm sorry for your numerous spilled drinks but that is hilarious... They really are cute to watch when they drink. Chimay has started taking to licking the condensation off of our soda cans when they come out of the fridge. Now we give the cans a quick washing before settling on the couch...just in case.

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I have the same problem with Adaya except she's polite (not) and waits until I pick it up to take a drink and as soon as i got it to my mouth she's got her little head in there trying really hard to get a drink at the same time silly bird. Do you know how hard it is to get a drink when you have a birdy head in the cup trying very hard to drink at the same time. The little booger;) :laugh:

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Pat, Josey and Sunny will do that too when they are on my shoulder but both like to lick the condensation on the glass but I try to keep them out of the glass for sometimes I am drinking a soda or tea and they can't have it. Its so funny when Sunny tries to do that as she tries to wedge her beak in from the side.

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You guys do know that you should not share drinks or food, spoons ect with your birds because you have bacteria in your mouth that can make your bird very sick. I will let whisper lick the condensation off my glass too but I won't let her eat or drink after me.

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Haha thats funny Cindy, Pat and Judy! Ecko also likes to lick the condesation on cold drinks. I think they get a kick out of something that isn't theres! :laugh:


Char - I do understand that we have bacteria in our mouth but I don't think if he has a little bit of my water is going to hurt him. Slate(my moms grey) has been doing this for 3 years and he is a very healthy bird. Its not like I spit in my drink lol. ;)

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chimaysmommy wrote:

Ha ha ha! But have you considered the possibility of birdie backwash?? Eeeewwww!! Lol!! Just kidding... ;)


OHH YESS, I have!! Sometimes he comes over from just eating and he has food all over his beak and leaves it all over in my drink :sick: I always have to get up and make a new one hahaha its ewwwwwy! LOL!

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ououou you guys :sick: thats enough to turn me off. no more drinking juice out of my glass I just made a big batch of eighteenbean bean mash with every thing healthy for birds I could think of and I just pictured that flouting around in my orange juice. Yuk yuk or what if she decided to gurge for me right at that moment Oh yuk :laugh: :sick: :sick:

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Oh My! That is so funny! Speaking of little devils, My Ecko is flying around SO much now, This morning He tried to land on a vase I had with palm fronds in it, and he tipped it over and it crashed into a million pieces this morning, He is fine..A swear I heard him laughing all the way back to his cage :evil: Just the thing I wanted to do before I sat down and had my morning coffee! :pinch:


Oh well! Little stinkers!

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Little stinkers....precisely! This morning I got Chimay's breakfast together (walnut-date oatmeal, baby carrots, strawberry and a halved grape...yum) on a paper plate to put on the playtop just like he likes it. I turn my back to pour coffee and heard SPLAT!!! He decided he didn't want the yummy breakfast, so he picked up the paper plate and let it ALL drop over the side of the playtop.


We are so underappreciated :(

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Whenever Whisper sees me eating something she cocks her head to the side and says "Is that good? Hmmm? She also makes these smacking noises like she is eating. I did not realize I was such a noisy eater but apparently I am or she wouldn't do that.:laugh:

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