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I'm Sorry Little Fella...


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I don't know.. Maybe I am truly blessed.. Maybe God has some plan for me that includes rescuing helpless baby birds.. Because what happened today was truly an unbelievable event that I can't believe "JUST HAPPENED"


What are the odds of one of us finding a baby bird lying on the concrete still alive.. Not very good right? Has it ever happened to anyone here? I am sure it must have but the odds are really not very good...


Well, consider this.. Today was the THIRD TIME in my life that this happened.. Yeah.. three times..


It started with Hercules.. The European Starling that fell 10 feet onto hard concrete, right at my feet...


Then there was the Cedar Waxwing that I found just seconds away from becoming cat food.. Xena is still alive and well.. She is just an absolute darling that I love so much I can't bear to stand that she will only live about 5 years.. 3 of them gone now..


That brings us to today.. Friends, today was as special a day as I could ever have imagined. It started just like any day does.. I would leave the house heading to see clients.. Only this day was slightly different.. Instead of visiting my first client I first decided to check on a friend that hasn't been feeling well .. It was just a simple visit.. Stop in, say hello, chat for awhile, then leave..


But it was nothing like a simple visit my friends. On the way back to my Van out of the corner of my eye.. and I mean just the very corner of my eye I spot this pink thing laying on the concrete of the parking lot.. It looked out of place.. It was about 10 feet away so I decided to check it out..


He was still breathing.. It was a baby European Starling He was laying there on his back.. His head back.. He was dying a horrible death..


There was NO WAY this baby was gonna die like this.. I was just not gonna allow it to die this way.. Not on my watch, not with me involved and not when I had a chance to save it...


I picked him up and cuddled him.. He was near death.. I was near tears.. I felt helpless then I realized that as long as this baby was breathing I had a chance.. This would be the third time I got such a chance and I was gonna make the best of it..


I put the baby in a box with a rag.. I realized that he probably was starving to death and needed food and water FAST... I know what I need to feed him since I raised Hercules before but there were no pet stores around where I could buy the necessary supplies.. So the next best thing was the local Macdonald's. I ordered a hamburger and a bottle of water..


The rest of the day had me feeding this little thing bits of hamburger and drops of water.. He rode with me all day in my Van as I did as much work as I could given the situation.. When I finally got home I was able to get the necessary supplies and really fill his belly.. Now he is much better and is feeding every 2 or 3 hours.. Just like he should..


Well my incredible HIGH of that day ended in an incredible LOW.. This morning when I greeted this little fella is was very un-responsive. His breathing was very labored.. He was dying. :(


He passed in my hands.. I cried like a baby. I had plans for this baby bird.. He was gonna have a life again.. but it wasn't gonna happen I guess..


So instead of dying on that hot concrete he died in my hands.. Comforted and loved.. I think I feel good about this..


I only had cell phone photos of him.. Here he is.. Everyone please look at him and remember his valiant battle to LIVE.. :(






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Guest islandgirltexas


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Sometimes -no matter how hard we try to do the best - we cannot win from nature and its mysterious ways. Maybe it's a consolation, for so far as possible, that at least this WAS nature's way and no evil deed of humans (that also happen unfortunately).

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Guest briansmum

awww it is so sad that he passed :( but you were meant to find that tiny bird CD, something told you to visit a friend instead of going straight to work, if it wasn't for that detour that poor thing would have died alone. it was fate that you found it and gave it comfort in it's last hours.


i had a similar experience a few years ago, i was walking home from school and found an adult sparrow at the aide of the road, it looked like it had flown into a windscreen. i took my books out of my bag, made it a grass nest and carried it home, i managed to keep it alive for 6 hours feeding it worms but sadly it wasn't to be. but i was very upset but it was comforting knowing it had passed content, safe and warm.

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I think sometimes baby birds are thrown out of their nests by the mother or father because there is something wrong with it. It's cruel but this is nature. I believe this could have been the case with this little fella.. But as you say, I do believe I was meant to find him there and god knows I did everything I could to keep him going.. It was so so sad to hold him in those last seconds of his life.. He made a little sound, moved his head as if to swallow.. Then just stopped breathing. It was horrible to watch this and know the agony this poor little fella went through. :(

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But he couldn't have been in better hands than yours because of your love for birds and life and I think I know how you feel but he died in loving hands, that is more than most. Thank you CD for your simple act of kindness, just one of the many reasons why I love you so much.{Love-0002012D}

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Boy did I miss you sweetie.. It's good to have you back.. This was a very heart felt message to me.. THANK YOU for telling me this.. Judy I was so sad that morning. I knew he was gonna die.. I could tell by the way he was breathing that he was dying.. I didn't want to put him down.. I held him for over an hour because i didn't want him to die alone in some box with paper towels. But watching him die like he did in my hands wasn't without it's toll on me.. It hurt so bad to see that little fella deal with dieing. Watching him struggle for life was just too much for this man to deal with.. and i mean it.. I hurt me really bad.. and I don't think I will ever forget those last seconds where he was just so uncomfortable... Then.. nothing.. God I could cry all over again right now... :( :( and I am happy I have these feelings so don't worry about me sweetie..

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Hey CD, sorry to hear about the little fellow that died in your hands. But as you said he died with love and care. Since I have Max my view has change a lot the way I look at birds, I use to look at them and that was that. But since I have Max we feed the wild birds outside and I look at the birds in a different way. They are so unique the way they fly and balance etc. They are wonderful creatures, I maybe would have done the same if I saw a little birdie lying in the sun on a piece of cement. It is just sad that the little fellow did not make it.

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What a kind person you are CD. I feel that you are a nurse by profession? Takes one to know one..It is truly amazing that birds in need find us. I have 22 birds living with me. Some as a result of needing a home or someone calling me through someone else that knew I was a birdie person. Your little friend is now sitting on a loved ones shoulder who is your gaurdian angel I'll bet.:)

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I am very emotional today so just the slightest thing can make me cry... yeah I know, screw all that man stuff.. god made me in a funny way.. Incredible hard and nasty sometimes on the outside and the feelings of a woman in the inside.. it's something that has caused me tremendous pain in the past over.. but, that's me..


Anyway, Birdgranna.. I am not a nurse.. I just play one in real live.. No, just kidding.. I needed to lighted the mood slightly. :P


BirdGranna.. I know I told this before in other posts above.. but I have to tell you.. Directly.. When I saw that little fella was gonna die a part of me was dieing too. Dieing because I felt that I let him down. I felt that I didn't do everything I could have for him... When I held him in my hands in that time before his death.. I knew he wasn't gonna be around for long.. I think letting him die in my hands really had a major effect on me.. I was crying like this bird was in the family for years and years.. while it had only been around of a day.. If you have never had life, any life slip away right before your very eyes.. I have to tell you.. It will change how you feel about life.. I know it did for me.. and I always love life of any kind, any form.. I know that this tiny insignificant creature dieing in my hands was for some purpose.. I will discover what that purpose was..


Thank you for writing such a nice message to me.. I appreciate it very very much...

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CD a nurse, give me a break, no really he could not make it as a nurse he couldn't handle the emotional aspect of it. He is a caring, compassionate man who would do anything for you and only asks for a simple thank you in return. He is a rarity among men, but I know of another.{Love-000200BF}

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