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Just bought the ATOM!!!


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I am so excited for it to get here...I recently purchased what I thought would be a large two-ring swing for Chimay to mount in the ceiling by the window (to replace the wicker baskets he keeps destroying with extreme efficiency), but it turned out smaller than I'd thought. It worked out though, because it's perfect to hang from the toy hook on his playtop. ANYWAY, after I opened up the package, I treated my disappointment by buying the Atom instead!! It should ship by Monday or Tuesday...I'm so excited! And I'm sure if Chimay had any clue as to what's coming he'd be excited too. Ha ha!

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I bought it from http://www.motherpluckinbirdtoys.com/ I called first to see what size would be most appropriate for my CAG (he's around 495-500 grams), and she said that a large would be best. I purchased one of their ceiling protectors as well...it's rather expensive, but totally worth it (I hope)!!!!!


The large has a 22 inch diameter, the jumbo is 24 inches but it looks like the perching diameter would be too wide for a grey's feet to grab onto.<br><br>Post edited by: chimaysmommy, at: 2009/05/31 15:00

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Be careful with the jumbo size....maybe someone here who has the jumbo can better speak on it, but the perch size is 1 1/4 inches thick which I thought would be too big (don't want him falling off of it for lack of grip). I opted for the large instead b/c of the thinner perch size and the fact that the jumbo is $30 more, and you only really get 2 inches more in the diameter of the orb.

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Oh I'm so Jelous I want one or mabie even 3 for my birds but the cost of haveing them shipped to Canada is outragous 240.00 thats like almost double I'm going to get them one but I'm going to have to save for it I don't like to run my credit card up so I'll have to wait.

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Emma has a LARGE. It is the perfect size for the african grey parrot. I'm sure that most of you have already seen her on the Atom in the pictures that I have posted. Anything thicker would be too difficult for her to hang upside down on... Then she would fall and injure herself. Stick to the Large.{Feel-good-00020114}

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Chimay's Atom should be delivered today!!! :D :D :D I am so excited...My boyfriend left for work at noon today and it hadn't arrived, and I've been refreshing the FedEx tracking page just waiting for it to say "delivered" so I know that I can pick it up at my rental office (it's showing as on-time for delivery today). I am going to be SOOOO upset if it's not here today...patience is not one of my strong points. Ha ha!!!

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It arrived on Saturday!!!! I was having problems with the photos uploading, but will be trying again tonight when I get home from work. He LOVES it!!!! He is so funny when it comes to new toys and stuff...I had bought him a "coffee table" perch for the outside-side of his cage, about 4 inches wide and he was so apprehensive about using it. Took about a week for him to realize it was safe. But with something like the Atom which is like 5 times bigger than he is, he was ALL OVER IT!!! He particularly loves hanging from the toy we have in the center like a bat. Ha ha!!! I am SO happy with the Atom, and so is Chimay!!!

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