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How to turn this CAG into a wet blanket...


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Cleo and I were having some cuddle time this morning. She loves her head scritches, and she somehow managed to convey to me she wanted it a bit rougher. I ended up firmly rubbing the skin on her head, ears and throat, and even the bare skin around her eyes and nostrils. She loved it!


Cleo twisted into all sorts of pretzel shapes so I could get to all the good bits, and after about 15 minutes she became so relaxed and limp she just sort of slithered from my arm onto my chest (eyes still closed) her big feet all curled up into little balls and laid there on her belly. She was flushed pink the whole time, and was making little throaty rr rr sounds, almost like she was purring.


We got rid of a lot of dander, and I am feeling rather relaxed myself after this birdie massage.


The amount of trust she showed me this morning is heart breaking. She completely gave herself up to me. Cleo and I have been together for about 2 months now, and with each interaction our bond seems to change and strengthen. Each day she still makes me marvel how "just a bird" can be so...I don't know, I lack the words to describe this feeling. All I know is I am feeling elated and floating on a cloud after our cuddle session.

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Isn't somthing speical when they put that little head of theirs down for a scritch and never want you to stop they just get all cozy and snuggly and totally enjoy the moment. Adaya loves to snuggle up to me and I just love it when she gets like that. She a very speciel girl

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