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I just wanted to introduce myself. I currently have a sun conure, but I finally found a baby AG! I'm thrilled. The baby was born on May 13. I'll get my baby sometime in July. I have to fly over to Oahu to pick up the baby and then I'll take it over to a breeder I know on the Big Island to finish weaning him. I haven't dealt with weaning a baby before and I just think it would be better. Does anyone have any thoughts about this? I'll be able to visit on weekends some. Although the breeder is a couple of hours away, so I know I won't make it every weekend. When he's fully weaned around November, I'll get him. I also will have three weeks off in December to spend with my new baby. Does this seem like a good plan, or should I just try to wean the baby myself?


Thanks for any suggestions.


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Hi Kili, congratulations on your new baby!!!! Sounds like you have thought and planned out the best thing for your new baby. Will you be having a DNA test done to find out if you have a male or female? Is your baby a CAG or TAG? Can't wait to hear more about your new fid!!!! Welcome to the family!!!!

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Hello Kili and welcome to the forum! Congrats on finding a baby grey! I don't understand why you are going to pick up the baby and bring it to someone else? Does the person your getting it from not know how to handfed and wean? I would definitely let someone that has experience in weaning greys do it since you are not comfortable doing it yourself. Weaning takes a lot of time and patience so its not for everyone. Anyways, I look forward to hearing more about you and your new baby. Feel free to ask as many questions as you want. ;)

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Hello Kili and welcome to our family, we are so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about this new grey.


You are like me, I started out with a sun conure then wanted something bigger and I decided on a grey, a Cag to be exact and it was the best decision I ever made.


I think your decision to allow another breeder to finish weaning your baby grey is the best since you have no experience in it and things can go wrong so a breeder will know how to handle it and being on the same island will allow you to visit which would be very difficult and pricey if on another island.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them when you get a chance and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


When you do see your baby do get some pictures to share with us as we love to admire each other's greys, especially the babies.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Welcome to R luvnezt. I would try to do the weaning thing my self to get experience and to bond bettter. Sadly I waz never able to be their for my greyz when they were going through this trying time. :(

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Thanks everyone for your input. My new baby is a CAG and I think I will have it DNA tested. I guess one of the reasons I'm thinking of letting a breeder finish weaning is that I recently had rescued a wild baby bird. I managed to keep it alive for a couple of weeks and then it died in my hand. So, that's made me a bit nervous. Also, I read in one of my books on greys that they bond with who weans them like your the mother and then when they're mature, they want to actually bond with someone else other than their mother. Does that make sense? It sounded logical to me. Anyway, I still have about a month to make up my mind.


Mahalo for your help,


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I couldn't agree with you more....it's also my understanding that after the weaning/fledging process is done, it's in their nature to bond with someone other than the party who took them through the weaning/fledging (joining a new flock). On top of that, if you're uncomfortable with going through the weaning yourself then you should definitely leave it to someone with the right experience and knowhow.


Even if there was no issues with the change in bonding, it's still safer for the baby if you leave it in the hands of an expert.


Best of luck to you and your new baby CAG!! :) Please be sure to post pictures when he/she comes home! :kiss:

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Welcome kili and congratulations on finding a Grey!!


It's GreYt having you here. :-)


You have made the right dicision to have your baby hand fed and weaned by a knowledgable breeder.


Looking forward to hearing updates as you baby grows. :-)

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MarkN8705 wrote:

jamal do you have downs?


Mark, did you join just to criticize someone? That is a rude and unacceptable comment that is not wanted on this board.


Why don't you introduce yourself and why you are here?


If another comment such as this pops up, you will be banned immediately!

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

wow. I am new to this culture, so pardon me if my inglish iszn't the bezt. Wat is downs anyway?

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jamalbirdbiz wrote:

wow. I am new to this culture, so pardon me if my inglish iszn't the bezt. Wat is downs anyway?


It's ok Jamal that was totally rude of him to say that anyways!! I'm not sure what he means by "downs" maybe down syndrome??? But who cares, you are a great member that makes me laugh! ;)

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

waz he calling me retarded? That really is rude. :silly:


He is probably juzt one of thoze people who think downs babiez should be killed in the womb. I hope I am wrong in thinking that, b/cuz what would be sad and crewl.


Maybe he juzt thinkz itz funny to make fun of people.


All life is valubel. Even birdz and downz people.<br><br>Post edited by: jamalbirdbiz, at: 2009/05/31 22:38

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