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Congrats on getting Alex home. hes probley just a clumsy baby and he will get over it soon when I brought ZZero home at 14 weeks I had a perch high and a perch low and he chose to be up high. Good luck keep us updated.

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Caitlin..thank you!! Everyone here experienced bringing the baby home. We are all very happy, he really is a sweet little guy!


cflanny..Thank you too! How old is ZZero? (adorable name) Alex is 12 weeks. I do have a higher perch, he gets up, but seems he does not know how to get down..?? I guess it will all happen soon when he is ready..can't wait because I am always checking on him making sure he is ok :)


Ann Marie

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I kept Adayas blanket on the botom of her cage until she was 15 weeks old and then of course the very minute I took it away she fell straight to the bottom but she's been pretty good and hasn't fallen to much. they are so much fun and so much work but worth every minute of it. Your lucky you only have one bird. Adaya's such a brat and wants to be with me all the time. I have to put her in her cage when I want to play with the other birds or she trys to chase them away from me. When me and her are playing she chases the dogs away if the enter her space its so funny my dogs are very small one is 3 lbs and the other is 5lb she doesn't bite them or hurt them in any way she just chases the away. She is such a little brat. I just love the cuddles and fun at this age though and I'm going to miss it allot if she loses her cuddliness. Your little one is just clumbsy because he's still so young his skills at climbing and holding on will improve allot as he gets older. Its never perfect though my six year old AG still falls when she's playing really hard and forgets to hold on :laugh:

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thanks again!! He is a sweet baby! here are a few more pictures of him :)








isn't he big?? I want to have him dna'd, but by the looks of him, I really think he's a male..unless a very large female..lol


he is doing well. The only thing is he climbs up, does not know how to get down. We have to re-do the cage some how. I want to get the branch perch that goes from side to side..not easy to find unless I get one bigger and cut it down some how?? I need cage decorating ideas.. so if any of you have pictures of your cages, I would love to see them! :)


Ann Marie

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Ohhh he is sooo precious Ann Marie!! He look so much like my baby. When Ecko was younger like Alex I would keep a single perch about 2-3 inches high from the ground. He would also climb around and then get stuck but its ok because thats how they learn. Sometimes I would leave him and let him get up himself but other times he would get really stuck and I would have to help him.


Heres how I decorated Ecko's cage. Since all they do is perch, I put a lot of different perches in there for him. Some are real branches, some are fake, and one is a sand perch to file his nails. In the middle is the swing I made for him and he loves it. And then I put the toys in reach while he perches. Anyways, good luck!

SDC11155.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/06/02 14:45

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Thank You Caitlin!! your birds are beautiful also! I love when they are babies and their eyes are dark :) Ecko's cage is great! Love the swing you made.. you are talented..I saw your things on the home made toys page.. they are fantastic!!! I bought a lot of things for him, but only put in a few for now until he learns how to get around with out falling. I have to leave him alone so he will learn and stop running to rescue him each time , kills me because I am so worrid he will get really hurt. I guess we have all been through this :P I have the perch that came with the cage all the way at the bottom and toys . The natural tree perch is half way up. I have a sand perch also, but I am not putting it in yet. Thanks for showing me Ecko's cage, you did a great job..lucky guy :)



Natasha, aw, thank you too!! Your birds are just beautiful also.. I love the key foot toys, are they baby keys?? I need to get Alex some, they seem to really like them. You can go crazy buying them things :)


Ann Marie

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It is quite normal for Alex to be a little nervous about climbing down. It is part of the learning process. Not to worry. In time he will get the hang of it. Just try to make sure that his food and water bowls are not difficult for him to reach. The rest he'll figure out on his own.{Feel-good-00020114}

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lovethatgrey..thanks..I am glad it is normal and not just him :) his food and water bowls are at the bottom with his lower perch. I bought additional crocks for him..have not filled the SS ones yet, too high right now. Thanks!!!


cflanny..thank you once again!! :)

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Joolesgreyuk..aw, thank you, how sweet! He is big, isn't he?? lol! His flight feathers are clipped underneath. You can only see it when you pull his wing out. The only good thing is they will grow back :)


thanks so much again!

Ann Marie

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Adayas cage is so huge I have 8 perches in her cage one is a swing and one in a boing the rest she has 3 natrural branches one dowel that right accross the middle 2 calcium perches and a rope perch and also 6 toys not including her boing and swing. But her cage is gigantic It really didn't look as big as it is in the store but when I set it up at home its just huge She loves it though to watch her play and have fun in there make it all worth it

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casper & luvparrots..aw, thank you! I think I am going to have to buy a macaw's cage...lol!!! At times I feel there is no need for a dna :) boy..boy..boy lol


Tyco's mom..speaking of a macaw's cage...wow!! That does sound huge! what size is it?? To fit 8 perches no less??? lol! your a riot! Alex is in a tempoary cage :( I have his cage on back order. It's a new style and color and they are totally out of stock. I was so mad! I ordered it when we first put a deposit on him, and it's still not in..so I have to buy a cage for him to be able to come home. I will use it as a sleeping cage if I find a place to fit it... if not, I have no clue what I will do with it..it really was a waste of money to have to buy two cages. I called today and she told me it shouldn't be too much longer... this is it and thought this was big :)




yes, I was taken by surprise for sure. I should have known better to talk to him about it..but stupid me!! We are all so happy he is finally home and love him very much!


Ann Marie

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Judaygram, aw, thank you so much :) When we first met him, he was so small... I still can't believe how much he has grown myself...{Emotions-00020070}


The owner told us back when he thought he was a boy because the size of his head. back then, I thought he just looked 'normal' hope his growth spurts slows down a bit.. ;)

Ann Marie

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Not to worry Anna, a sleep cage will really come in handy.You can place him in it when you wish for him to sleep in a quieter room. You can even use it to place Alex in it while you are cleaning his main cage. Who knows, perhaps you will add another parrot to your flock to keep Alex company while you are not at home.{Feel-good-00020114}


A spare cage is always a good idea

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