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coming home today...


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Alex is coming home today..I do have a question. I am not sure if he is fully perched, so I am keeping a perch very low to the bottom for him, and one higher buy the built in food bowls. Do I keep food & water bowls on the bottom of the cage as well? What kind so they do not tip over? or do I get crocks and screw it into the sides very low?



Ann Marie

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Keep the perches low and the crocks are a good idea as they can be places in a conveniant place and moved later.Also a blanket placed on the botton of the cage under the papers will help ease any falls.He may be a bit clumsey at first but he will soon be bouncing round everywhere. Congratulations and good luck with Alex. Let us know how he gets on.

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Hi annmarie,


How old is Alex?


Keep the perches down low and pad the bottom of the cage with a towel if he is very young, just to cushion any falls.


I used the crock lock bowls down low with my three so they had easy access to food and water.


Cant wait to hear more about your new arrival:)

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She & Casper..Thank you both! Alex is 12-13 weeks now. I am very annoyed because the owner clipped his wings last week with out us knowing until we got there. I am sure he will not have good balance , even if he is perched, so I was concerned.


I will buy the lock crocks.. a blanket or towel..great idea!!!! I keep it right on the bottom of the cage? On the grates? Thanks again!

Ann Marie

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yes, we are going shortly. He is from a bird shop. Not a "pet store" it is very reputable and has been there over 30 years. The owner does a lot of his own breeding. Last week we went to visit. He told us he was weaned and we can take him home. I had so much more to do to get ready, so I told him "next weekend" meaning this weekend. Then we went back a second time and saw his wings were clipped. I guess he clips them all before they go home. I had no idea. I doubt very much he is fledged. So sad!!!!!


I have been up set all week from what he did. I feel so bad for Alex. Nothing I can do now. I just hope he is ok and will have some balance. keep your fingers crossed!

ok...I will bb later when we get home....Thanks again.

Ann Marie

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Oh wow I can't believe they did that! And then he's still so young too, I would be very pissed off {Emotions-000200BA} reputable or not! They should have asked you before they did that to him!


I hope that he will devlop ok and your not sure if he was fledged or not? Please ask them if he was or not wow!!

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Congrats Ann Marie!! I am so happy you finally get to bring your baby home! That is too bad the breeder clipped his wings :( I used glass custard cups for Ecko and sometimes he would tip it over but they were heavy so he didn't do it a lot. The crocks would probably be better though. Also I would put the towel on the bottom and put newspaper over it so it doesn't get dirty easily. I would leave the grate out until he learns how to perch good. They like to lay down on their side at the bottom and I would think the grate would be uncomfortable for him. When you notice that he starts to sleep perching up then you could put the grate in. Good luck with Alex. I can't wait to see some home coming pictures ;)

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He is home and doing great :) I can't get over how beautiful he is :) It has been such a long day, all the excitement knocked me out :P


Alex is perched! He is not high up. he is toward the bottom for now. I do have a towel under him (great advice!) He did explore and climbed to the top, then fell down , I couldn't believe it. Thank goodness he did not get hurt, I think we were up set more than he was . He did not try it again..has this ever happened with your grey?


We bought Harrison's for his pellet and boy does he love it! I was glad to see he has a healthy appetite.


I will put his new pictures up tomorrow, haven't down loaded them yet.

Thanks again

good night!

Ann Marie

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Thats great that Alex is home and doing well and congrats on his loving his Harrison's pellets, he is off to a good start.


Thats such a bummer though that the breeder clipped his wings so early and it will now take a while for them to grow out but when they do then he can try flying again.

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I am glad Alex is home safe and sound.I would be so angry with his breader but not a lot you can do now.His flights will grow and I am sure he will cope in the mean time.Enjoy your new feathered friend and I am looking forward to the pictures.

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Congrats on your new family member! Cleo was the same age when she came home with me, and I recall being very impatient for the night to pass so I could greet my baby again and interact with her. I'm nowhere near an expert on greys, but be prepared to amazed and wowed for many many months to come!


AS for the climbing and exploring, then falling down, Cleo was like that in the beginning. She was fledged, but presented as clumsy. Now she's like an acrobat, hanging upside down in the cage and from toys and using her wings for balance. I get the feeling that she developed more strength in her feet her balance improved, as she was able to grip on to things better (including my arm OWW).


Good luck and have fun with baby!

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That's awesome Annmarie, I am glad thatyou went with YOUR heart and finally got your baby. I remember when the twins came home I was up all night worrying about them.They still fall down I have started removing the towel from underneath them and I use a puppy pad to catch there poop. There are doing AMAZING and they are eating and feeding eat other lol. I am glad that he is home, Congrats!

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Hi everyone..Thanks so much..I am expecting company in a few..I will be back and post his pictures. I will say quickly, he is a doll baby! We love him so much already! So different that he is home, the enjoyment is so much nicer!



Ann Marie

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good morning! Thanks again every one! things are going very well. it seems he feels like he has always been here... unless it's a grey thing that they all adjust so well. :) here is one picture. my son down loaded them and I can't find the entire file! I will have him find it when he gets home :P




it was so beautiful here yesterday, we gave him a bath, he liked it! After being in the bird store, he needed it..lol


now that he is home I will be learning something each day...I can finally start sharing more on here with all of you..so much better when you actually have the bird home..hehe



Ann Marie

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he is a really beautiful bird I'm so glad he's made himself at home so quickly that a very good sign that the bird store did a grey't job of socializing him. that so sad that his wings are clipped. The same thing happened to Tyco my rescue and for the first four years of her life she barbered every feather on her left hand side she was so off balanxe and would fall so hard on her keel I thought for sure she would split it wide open. so I took her to my vet and had the other wihg clipped and the one she barbered straitened out so they matched that really helped with her balance. she is now 6 yrs old and fully flighted but doesn't know how to fly its so sad birds where meant to fly.

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aw how sad is that Pat! I am happy she is no longer clipped and her balance is good. Maybe one day, she will fly?? Hope so!


Alex is so clumsy , I get so worried! The first day he climbed to the top of the cage and didn’t know what to do, so he let go and came straight down, I almost had a heart attack. Thank goodness he was alright! his balance is ok, not perfect. I am not sure if it’s because he is still so young, or his wings being clipped..??


I have his perch at the bottom of the cage for now...I do not know how long I should keep it there?? Maybe move it up a little each week?? I guess in baby steps. Do you know about the age where they get the climbing and perching down pat? Thanks!

Ann Marie

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