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I just found out Wednesday...


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Well the DNA results are back and according to my vet my 4 year old TAG is "a bouncing baby BOY"


I was so excited to find out that Partner is a boy, I was pretty sure he before the tests because he portrays a male character in my mind, and now that I know I don't feel so bad in always telling him he is a good boy (instead of being gender neutral and saying good bird) lol.


I've also been bringing him in the shower with me the past few days. He just sits up on the shower rod because he is still somewhat afraid of being in the water, so I'm letting him get used to being in there with me and hopefully soon I can get him to come enjoy it with me :-D



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Ah thats so great a boy. I wanted a baby boy but I got another girl. Thats not to say that I'm not totally in love with my 2 girls Tyco is so special because she's a rescue and I can give her scritches and she steps up when ever I ask and she trusts me If you knew her when I first got her and the Way she is now you wouln't think it was the same bird. and Adaya well what can I say I got her when she was 5weeks old and raised her she will play on her back in the palm of my hand she's harrness trained I can do absolutly anything with her she's my baby and I definatly wouldn't trade her for any boy now. So I have 2 lovely girls I guess Its the luck of the draw. I'm glad you have a little boy I'm very happy for you.


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And it also breaks the stereotype even more that boy birds like female owners and vice versa. Oh I'm so excited.


Thank you everyone!


Tycosmom - I'm really glad that they have grown to trust you so much and will do anything for you, it is greyt to hear that!


Carol- Partner is so good, he takes all his aggression out on his toys so when I do finally have him out I can just have him on my shoulder and I will just give him head scratches and he is very loving to me. I still gotta work on the pooping thing though lol.

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I always put towels on the back of the couches and if he poops on me, eh... it is kinda just a "I can throw this in the wash and it will be perfectly fine" thing lol.


The floors are a different story, I wish I had all tile and hardwood floors.. that would make clean up a breeze lol.

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lol you aren't kidding I wish we did too lol we have ALL carpet except for the kitchen and bathroom, and of course they RARELY spend time in the bathroom! Ewwwww Jari just crapped on me!! :sick: I need to train them to crap in the toilet! lol See we talked about it so much that now it is a reality rofl<br><br>Post edited by: CarolandFamily, at: 2009/05/31 23:38

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Congrats on your boy Nick!!!!! Lmao Carol for the crap.....Luckily I have tiles except for the bedrooms and Boesman poops everywhere :whistle: if he poops on the carpet I let it dry and then vacuum it lol I know I am lazy lol

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I always alway have wet wipes handy I have 3 of my birds trained not to poop on me thank goodness the only one that is a little stuborn is my indian ringneck. Jeeperd doesn't get up on me very often so I don't have to worry about him to much yet. Adaya is grey't that way though she was so easy to train. As soon as she has to poop she gets off of me and poops. Least I don't have to worry about walking out the door with poop down the back of my shirtlol

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Congrats !! It must be so nice to know for sure :) We 'think' our new baby is a male.. he is a big baby..I would like to have a dna done as well..which method did you use? nail, feather?


Enjoy your baby boy!!!

Ann Marie

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