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My dogs are HUGE beggars! Everytime Ecko or Slater has food in their bowls my dogs like to stand and wait for them to drop something. Ecko finds it kinda funny to tease them. Sometimes he will put something in his mouth and lean down to show them and they start drooling. When he finally drops it he turns his head to the side and looks down with one eye :laugh: He is such a devil :evil:


Do your dogs do this too? Or are my dogs the only beggars out there? :blink:


My little chihuahua is also down there waiting for food to drop but he is so short you can't see him haha. The first one is Luke (a golden retriever), Haylee(a golden/lab mix), and Tucker the chihuahua.


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That's a lovely photo! My German Shepherd Jinx is the same, she hangs around Cleo's cage when Cleo is eating and will hoover up anything that is dropped.


The dog will also steal any of the lorikeets' fruit that is pushed through the side of their cage. Jinx will even steal the silverbeet even though she does not like eating it, and pulls a face like a bulldog chewing on a wasp.


The other day Cleo was eating spaghetti and dropping a lot of it on the bottom of the cage, which is lined with newspaper. Jinx was most eager to get to the spaghetti but couldn't figure out how to get into the cage, so she decided the best thing to do was to pull out the newspaper sheets one by one through a gap at the bottom of the cage.

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My dogs are exactly the same way and Tyco constantly feeds them she takes what she wants like the peas inside the snap peas and throws the rest to the dogs who can't gobble it up fast enough if she drops somthing through the grate and it lands on the news paper my dogs are so small they just stick their head in there and grab it Tc is a 3lb papplion and Gloria is a 5 lb Shith-zu so they are tine little things. Destiny my collie on the other hand weighs in at 75lbs but he doesn't beg from the birds he's 14 yrs old now and is way to dignafied to be caught begging from a bunch of birds:laugh:

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Thank god my dogs are not inside the house or they would be begging too but I know all too well the begging that dogs can do and those sad doggy eyes just wishing a morsel would drop and they would be on it so fast your head would spin. Thanks for sharing that pic with us and I think Ecko is quite a tease.:lol:

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I have one of the worst beggars on the planet ! She will lay under his cage and eat ANYTHING that dropps, I caught her with a walnut yesterday. My Shih Tzu could careless he just begs off me but my Shiba (who is too smart but dumb as bricks at the same time !) she eats his toys, feathers,seed,pellets,and probley poop if I let her.


Pat I love the line about destinany thats my shihtzu Ozzy he would never beg from a bird lol

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Love the picture Caitlin. Ecko is lovin it that he has something the dogs want!

Mine do exactly the same thing- Lyric totally teases them when he has something good to eat.

Here's my little beggar boys:



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