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Are parrots addictive?


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Well the reason I ask is because I know that many of you have more than one and since having Beau I've decided I'd really like a conure (I haven't told hubby yet lol!) not that I could afford to buy one at the going price but I wouldn't mind taking on a rescue bird?

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Addactive is not the word for it be very careful its easy to get in over your head I have a few but I'm at my limit. I have to restrain myself when I see a beautiful bird that needs a new home despartly. Its called MBS Multipal Bird Syndrome and many bird owners have it some with no control they start with one and end up with 20 or more please learn your limit and stick to it. I only work 24 hours a week and with 5 birds I just have enough time to give them all quality one on one time and I'm lucky because they all get along really well so I don't have to worry to much when they are all out at the same time and I have 3 on me at a time giving them all scritches and love. its not like that for most bird owners so please be careful.

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They are very addictive but my limit is two, at least that is what I keep telling myself, I would like another but I only have two shoulders so I don't know where I would put a third. I would love to have many more but I would have to not work a full time job and have endless amounts of money.

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