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Poor Conure


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:) As some of you might know Spock is our new baby, Maggie and I also rescue and raise cockatiels, and conures, and spendidas.We try to place our healthy birds into homes who have lots of love and little of anything else. We mostly except donations for our fids.:cheer: Buddy is a Chrimsom Headed conure, a pretty boy..he is paired with a Indian Ring neck keet (Bj)who is mostly plucked, they take such good care of each other...

Buddy and Bj came from a home:sick: who used colorful quotes etc..Buddy uses profanity in strings and commands, last night he said "Wanna get some crack?" yet he turns around each morn and night and says"goodnight/goodmorning baby" and has a large selection of good words and sayings....

He bites bad and Bj yells at him when he doe's:P It takes two of us to clean and feed him, but he'll take treats from you between the bars of his cage.We flood them wit love, and some day we hope he'll realize were not his old caretakers...:cheer:<br><br>Post edited by: Jayd, at: 2009/05/28 19:11

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Thats awesome that you do that for bird I have also rescued a few birds and rehomed them to wonderful new homes. I found a beautiful citron crested Cockatoo once in a grage sale. his mama had died and he was 25 years old a wild caught I was told by her sons who where selling all her belongings includeing her bird for what ever they could get and to anyone that would pay the price. this bird didn't like men at all but was the cuddlest sweetest thing with woman. I bought him for 600. includeing the huge cage he had which was probubly worth at least that. I took him home with me and probubly would have kept him except he hated my daughter and would attack her everychance he got. I could just lock him up when my daughter was around because she was around all the time he also didn't like my other birds either he was very set in his way and was used to living a life with just him and his mama and would not tolerate anything else so I found a woman that had just lost her male citron crested cockatoo the year before she had him for 20 years and she found him dead in his cage one morning she was absolutly devastated the vet said he had a heart attack. The bird was not sick when she put him to bed so to find him dead in the morning was very hard. So Mr. Magoo went to live with her and I keep an eye out and get updates all the time they are in love and she has never been happier and the same is true for Mr. Magoo. I also have rescued a couple cockateils and found them homes with lots of love. so we are alike in allot of way. I almost bought a cherry head conure a while ago unil I came to my sences and said no more. I;m at my limit at the moment but I do love them all soso much Karma to you for haveing such a warm heart for our feathered friends

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:) Thank you both so much... We have 41 fids now:woohoo: not counting eggs or new borns.. The cockatiels have there room, the conures have the family room, and Mr Spock as flock leader has the run of the house!(he's in the living room)The humidty in our home is balmy,it makes there feathers shine...

It's so rewarding to see the shine on peoples face when you hand them that little bit of love.. We try to hand feed all the babys, the ones we can't we hold at least 5 times aday after 10 deays old.:) Whats fun it is to go into the cockatiels room and have them all try to lite on you at the same time:whistle: Some of the rescued are cage bound, we either sit with them awhile or hold them if they can be held...To be alike is always great! We'll post photos later. :P Jay

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Gosh Jay, you and Maggie are so wonderful for doing what you love and providing such care to birds who otherwise would be homeless and if anyone can bring Buddy around it will be you. With all those birds around it is never a dull moment I bet and it keeps you busy too.


Would love to see some pictures when you get the chance.

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Good for you Jay and Maggie for helping Buddy and BJ! You are great people and I can tell you have a very warm heart for birds! Wow I didn't know you have so many birds. Are they all breeder birds? I hope you see some progress soon.

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:) Thank you all again, we do love all our fids. We have single birds, mated pairs we won't breed,(health) and some we do breed. We don't "Breed to sell", we have given away 6,and sold 4 this year. Our total cash sales this year is $180.00, We just love them.:cheer: with Buddy we use to have to hold a stick to change his cage and feed him, he bit hard! Then we would give him a broccoli stem, and he would leave us alone, now if I'm slow, he lets me change him :P

Here's just a few photos!13.jpg7.jpgPicture2042.jpgPicture295083.jpgPicturea022.jpgPicturea023.jpgPicturea028.jpgPicturea029.jpgPicturea031.jpg :lol: Bart and Lisa we have had for a while, his parents plucked him bad, the vet says he has too much scare tissue. His mate is Lisa they have been together for a year, they recently had 4 eggs,1 hatched into a beautiful boy!!! Jay

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  • 2 weeks later...
:) Buddy and Bj are doing better, They let me clean and change their cage, Buddy we'll take food out of my fingers with out removing a finger, most of the time. Not cussing all the time. Going to hold him with in a year or sooner. Jay and MaggiePictureh004.jpgPictureh007.jpg:cheer:
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  • 2 weeks later...

Update on Buddy (crimson-headed conure rescue):

We are thinking of changing Buddy's name to Houdini :silly: since he has discovered the art of escape...the other day, I was cleaning the first few cages and I turned around to find Buddy hanging off the side of the cage, waiting for me to find him.:laugh: He won't let us touch him but if we open the cage door and tell him to go to bed, he will go back in on his own. (thank goodness!!!!)Last night, I had covered them up for the night and was sitting down and relaxing. I heard a noise and we looked over in time to see a lump moving under the towel across the cage and then a head sticking out from under the towel, saying "good night baby" {Feel-good-0002006E}

The cussing is much better and he has substituted called for Spock and Rolo. He also barks now and when he gets started, he will go through his entire spiel, including "good night baby, here kitty, kitty, kitty, come on out baby, come here Rolo, what are you doing Spock?, etc, (sometimes it seems like for hours:laugh: )Pistachio is not plucking or itching anymore but he is pretty bare so he has folicle damage. He and Buddy still preen each other and cuddle together. Pistachio will also feed Buddy...(too cute)Even though Buddy loves Broccoli stems, they are banned from him...Every time that he is given one, he goes into a frenzy and rips it apart inch by inch while muttering loudly and cursing under his breath. I just know that he is thinking about our limbs as he tears this apart. After the carnage, he stands in the middle of the pile of shredded broccoli and glowers at us as if we are to blame...:whistle: and then he goes "kitty, kitty, kitty"{Feel-good-0002006E}

Maggie and Jay

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Houdini was the name I was going to give me grey if it was a male. I laugh about Buddy because Sully, my Eclectus, will crawl out the food bowl door if I forget to close it when I get his breakfast. As big as he is he can squiggle and turn and get out. Ana Grey has learned to do that from him which I totally don't like to see as she is much more likely to get in trouble.

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I believe Sully is a Vos Eclectus because he is between 14-15 inches long from the top of his head the tip of his tail. I don't know how they are usually measured and he won't let me near him with a yard stick to measure. I fear someone at some time probably scared him with a stick or such because he is usually so mellow but I could'nt come near him with a yard stick. I am not encouraging him to climb through the bowl opening so I probably won't be taking any pictures. The strange thing is there is a bowl guard inside the cage so he has to get over it to get out.

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