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what a week


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well ,at the weekend I had a very nasty accident and ended up in hospital which is why I have been missing for a few days.In the freekiest accident of all I broke my nose and developed a septum haematoma.I was taken to surgery to have it drained and stayed in hospital over night.As you can imagine I did not look very pretty.I am still a bit sore and bruised and feel very conjested.It was a horrible experiance and not one I wish to go through again.It just seems like one thing after another at the moment.I have to go back the hospital tomorrow for a follow up.I just hope all is well.I can just about go out wearing sun glasses without scaring the kids today.I looked like a panda.Oh well tomorrow is another day.

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OMG Shelia, thats terrible but it could have been worse, hope it heals up nicely and then it will be a thing of the past.


I know what you mean about one thing after another happening, like a snowball effect, it gets rolling but tomorrow will be a better day, I know it.


Take care of yourself and welcome back.

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Thanks everyone.I have been to see the ent consultant today and he thinks all should heal well.I am feeling much better,still snuffly but he said there is still inflamation inside which should subside in the next 7-10 days.

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Oh ok but dont laugh.I was out with the family having a meal on Friday night and wacked myself on the nose with my hand.It never even hurt that much.I woke up in the night and my face had swollen right up and I was black and blue.I would not have minded if I was really drunk but I wasnt.I must have just caught myself in the right place to cause the haematoma.I have enjured a week of boxing jokes.I am thinking of taking up ladies boxing.:laugh: So beware of getting on my bad side.:laugh: It is totally beyond me how I managed to do that to myself.

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Sorry to hear about the accident :( Good to hear you are on the mend!


The thing with facial injuries and such bleeding, is that the blood doesn't have a lot of places to go due to all the bones in the face. It tends to settle in the softest places, which are around the eyes, as you noticed, and in the sinuses. The bruising you see is most likely due to blood from internal injuries leaking elsewhere, rather than there being injuries where the bruise is. Still, it looks nasty and hurts like hell, due to all this soft tissue around the area.


Hope you have a speedy recovery!

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I am much better now,just a tiny bit of bruising left under my eyes and I am a bit snuffly,like I have a cold.The birds were fine, I did think Charlie would flip when he was faced with the elephant man but he was fine.I am back in work on Monday so fingers crossed all is well.Thanks everyone for your concern and thoughts.

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