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I just spoke to my Mom on the phone.Her neighbour has TAG Vlooi his 10 years old beautiful and VERY talkative he can just mimic about everything you can think of.....Okay now he never comes out of his cage WHY? "Because he bites" I told her he bites because he is not used to human interact he has got no toys she feeds him fruits and seeds I have spoken to her this weekend to try and let him out and buying some toys and stuff al she says she hasn't got the time as she is a Mom to a 5 month old baby boy so I decided to buy him some toys and is going there 2morrow I wil introduce him to it if it takes me the whole day I wil start by just showing it on a distance ect. even if I have to go there for a few days in the afternoons I past my Moms house everyday so ja..... The thing is she left the baby in his walkingring this morning to hang up the washing outside so he went over to the cage and Vlooi bit him on his eye his okay but now she is mad at the TAG now??? How can u leave a baby near a Grye if you know his not used to people touching his cages and so on??? I have asked her why she doesn't rehome him to someone who wil spend more time with him ect. she doesn't want to do that she's had him for 8 years now and he won't be able to adapt to other people that's her believe so I am going to intervene I don't care if she gets mad at me at least get him some toys.....


Gosh it boggles my mind why these people have pets..:angry:<br><br>Post edited by: Natasha, at: 2009/05/28 14:45

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Could you not take the Tag? If he was rehomed to you, he would have company and learn from the other two greys and your Mums neighbour could keep in touch with him:)


I would maybe go have a chat with the neighbour and maybe over a coffee discuss your greys, you could give her some ideas on what she could do.


Its never to late for a grey to learn, I am sure he would love some freedom and interaction. It must be terrible to be in his cage all day and it will make him very terratorial.

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You go Natasha and I hope you are able to get her to see her grey in another way rather than this bird in the cage that bites. Really she should be angry at herself for Vlooi biting the baby and not Vlooi.


Let us know how it goes.

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Thanks for the support I wil keep you posted on what happens!!!


Casper - I have tried and talk her into rehoming him it's a no-no to her :( but in the mean time he is closed up ect. That is the part that bothers me most him not being able to come out of the cage.

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Kudos to you for trying to help the Grey. She needs to realize that she is being cruel to the bird by not giving him a better life. Maybe you can help her realize that what happened to the baby is going to happen again eventually and it could be worse. She is lucky the baby did not lose an eye. It was her fault and not the birds.

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Natasha wrote:

I am going to intervene I don't care if she gets mad at me at least get him some toys.....


You go girl!! :-)


That woman has many misconceptions and no common sense obviously. I hope see will see the light through your kind gestures and helpfulness. Letting the Grey out, especially if it were to attack could be harmful to the infant. Does she know how the Grey acts when let out?


I hope you are successful in your endeavors!!

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Dan he used to come out before she got divorced about 2 years ago he used to sit on the husbands shoulder but he didn't take him when they seperated so she never handled him that's why she is keeping him locked up...

I am going to take the chance of opening him to see what he does maybe I can convince her to do that but with the baby around I don't no??? But this has been bothering me a long time and now I have plucked up the courage to do something about it like I said if I hurt her feelings {Emotions-000200C1} I wil take the punch :)

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Natasha, you have a wonderful heart and I'm sure you will be able to help this little tag. It does sound like a dangerous situation for the baby- what if the mother turns her back and he sticks a finger in the bird's cage? He could quite possibly get hurt real bad. If the mother considers the welfare of all involved perhaps she'll come to the conclusion that Vlooi would be better off re-homed. In the meantime, I'm sure he'll love some attention and new toys. :)

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You go girl for this grey needs some attention, how some people treat their pets is beyond me, if she loved him enough she would find him a new home, if you can't get anywhere with her, give me her phone number and I will have a talk with her myself as I am pissed off now.:angry:

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I don't understand some peoples logic if she can't give an animal the things it need to be happy and well adjusted then why not give it to someone that can. You have yo convince her that its in the best intrest of the bird and she must put her own feelings aside in this matter and do whats best for her child and the bird. let her know that with the right person her bird will have a wonderful life she can't just give the bird to just anyone its got to be to someone that has bird experiance and that knows how to deal with a bird that is cage territorial but it can be done. Tell her you will help her to find an appropriate home for the bird. she really need to let go of him for everyones sake and especialy for her child he could really get hurt if the bird decides to really bite hard.

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I wish you good luck in your effort to help this little bird.Please let us know how you get on.I am very concerned about the baby,little fingers and greys can be a bad combination,how silly of the childs mum to leave it unsupervised .

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Many people are told the same thing that you just told her and many people give the same response that she gave you.

So, why don't you just take some time and seriously talk to her about coming to this board and read all of the pitfalls and dangers concerning behavior that birds go through when they're in the same situation as that bird. It may strike a nerve. She doesn't have to be a member and there's loads of information about birds that have only been owned one time, birds that have had a couple of owners, birds that are in shelters etc etc. Sometimes it works cause people do care about their birds but continually do the wrong thing.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/05/28 20:04

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Thanks for the advice guys I am taking everything to heart that is said here..Went pass my Mum this morning the woman is not going to be at home this afternoon but I asked if I can come by tomorrow she said it's fine so I am going by 2morrow afternoon ..Dave excellent suggestion I wil tel her about this site def. I have my speach ready wrote it down about how I am going to convince her to do what's best for the bird and baby. Wish me luck wil update you on Monday!!!!:cheer:



Oh I forgot the baby is fine got a little bite mark on his left eye in the outside corner it could have been much worse, what about those little fingers..that some more reason to go and talk to her.<br><br>Post edited by: Natasha, at: 2009/05/29 08:33

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Goodmorning People...


So I went and visit Vlooi I was there for 3 hours he is so adorable :) I did take the toys he is little wary of them I showed him and only put one against the cage for him to get used to it I asked her to put it in the cage if he is comfortable with it wil be going by 2morrow again I must be at the dentist this afternoon... We didn't open the cage he seemed stressed out after a while so I decided to not open him yet...We had a long conversation I told her how she is "abusing" him by jailing him in the cage and that he is terratorial because of that and the next time the infant won't just get away with a scratch and then what's she gonna do then? She said she can't get it over her heart to give him away I offerd to help get a new home for him ect.She said she'll think about it (I could see she was a bit sad) So at the end I made her a deal if she wants to keep him I wil help her to intoduce him to "out of the cage life" I know it's takes some expertise(that's why I have homework to do) and a long process but I am willing to give it a go I even offerd to take him in with me for a period but then she told me if she leaves him with other people he stops eating,drinking ect. He actually allows her to scratch his head through the cage so there is something there and he screamed at me for a while and then calmed down but got edgy for the toy so I stopped after an hour of trying and felt good that he at least calmed down . I told her we can do it and I am not gonna give up on this my mind is SET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wil take some pics of him I didn't want to do it on Saturday I was already invading lol,lol...


Schroeders I got some info on the SPCA here if a pet is neglected I can lay a complaint but the lady told me that if they go there and he has food,water they can't do anything about it and they need the owners permission to take the pet if they don't find a home for him in 3 months they usually put them down it's a sad situation as they only get money from sponsors our goverment doesn't care to help in situations like this I give to our local SPCA around here like they need blankets for the dogs and kittens now it's winter here and there just isn't enough money so I put that thought far away in my head I wil help her to help Vlooi AND AM NOT GOING TO GIVE UP!!!!!!!!

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Natasha you are an angel. If you can help her with Vlooi then that would be the best thing for him. It seems like she loves him, but just doesn't know how to handle him or what to do for him to make him happy.


Hopefully with your guidance and help she will learn all of this with time. Next time you will have to take him some yummy treats to feed him and start with the bribery to make friends.

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Thanks Jane I wil def take treats for him 2morrow it's going to be a looooong road ahead but I am absolutly putting my heart into it now I must just win the lotto so I can open a bird care centre (my big dream)

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WOW, Natasha, You are such a sweetheart and are doing the right thing.

I know that with a great person like yourself you guys can do this.

Can you imagine a life looking through those bars everyday for years? Makes me SO sad to picture him and all of the other forgotten and abused greys/birds out there. I know there are A LOT of them.

I wish there were more people like you.

I would do the same and try and make tyhe rest of this little guys life better than it has been.


Hey and if you win that lotto let me know cuz thats my dream too! Only mine would have ANY and ALL animals in need is that ok???

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Myafricanqueen yeah I would def share with you we could buy a huge farm and keep all the animals there..:)



Luvparrots - I did tel her about this forum she doesn't have internet at home:( maybe I should print some of the topics for her!!!


She - Thanks!!!

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