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Pictures of Torry yah yah


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We decided on a name for our newest CAG we named him Torry :P My husband is a bit concerned when we close Torry up at night he sits at the bottom of the cage??? It's like he sleeps at the bottom he is eating,drinking,playing,whistling very wel and looks great I bathed him on Saturday (both of them) and was astouned at how wel he took it he opened his wings and put his little cute face towards the water....He really enjoyed it it's bathtime again Saterday if the weather plays along..............!!!


So any help on why he chooses to sleep at the bottom of the cage he also plays alot at the bottom so it's cleaning the cage everyday 2 times because I don't want he playing in his poop...:blink:<br><br>Post edited by: Natasha, at: 2009/05/29 10:47

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Thats a great name for the new guy Natasha! How is Torry doing? Are you able to handle him and does he bite? Thats funny that he sleeps at the bottom of the cage, do you mean he actually lays down on his side or perches at the bottom? Do you have a grate at the bottom of his cage? That would help so he doesn't stand in his poop lol.


P.S. I like your new signature ;)<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/05/28 15:23

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Lol no I don't have a crate at the bottom he kind of sits with the one leg up and sleeps, no perches there either lol..........His doing great he doesn't bite but nor does he step up he wil give my husband one foot but cling to the cage with the other :side: he kisses and stick his head out for a scratch he loves that he is eating wel and playing with his toys that looked like aliens to him in the beginning lol.......He is very comffy with the surroundings now than he was a few weeks back!!! Even tolerates the dog<br><br>Post edited by: Natasha, at: 2009/05/28 15:43

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Torry is a GreYt name and he sounds like a wonderful mature Grey if he has straw colored eyes.


He seems to be blossoming in his new loving home with the new flock. :-)


Karma to you for taking him in!!

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I'm so glad you were able to rescue Torry and he's doing well in your home. I'm surprised that an older grey would chose to sleep at the bottom of the cage- most will go to one of the highest perches in the cage to sleep. I guess they are all individuals though and he just has his preferences. I really like his name too!

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Torry is a great name for your rescued grey! You don't know how long Torry was outside so maybe he is used to being low because he had to hid from predators. I would put a perch down low for him and see if that helps. Maybe a sleep tent? It's great that Torry likes your husband so well. Now you both can enjoy the love of greys!!!!! Great update Natasha, it certainly sounds like Torry has found the perfect forever home!!!

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This is an awful thought but mabie Torry's previous home was not a very careing one and he didn't have perches or Toys in his cage and he got used to sleeping on the bottom of his cage because he had no place to pearch mabie they just got tierd of him or they where very poor and could afford to feed him and let him go and thats why they never bothered to look for him. I know thats an awful thought but there are people out there that do these kinds of things. I love the pictures of Torry he's very beautiful. I'm glad he's taken such a likeing to your husband know you both hhave beautiful African Greys to love. If whatI said was the case then mabie thats why he thought toys where aleins and why he doesn't know how to step up or anything. I really really like his new name too<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/05/30 13:40

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Thanks for the replies everyone!!!



Tycos-mom you are right he didn't know what toys was and he eats up a storm :whistle: I think maybe he used to share his food with other greys he wil eat & eat :P

if he sees me going into the kitchen he starts whistling cause he knows I come out with a treat lol.....He is also like "learning" to hold his food in his foot I have to open the grapes for him and hold it while he bites into it or maybe his just lazy lol....He didn't know what fruits & egg, ect. was he refused to eat at first and now his eating everything I give to him and if he doesn't like something it goes flying out of the cage he eats like a little {Nature-00020096} lol

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