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Job Interview AAAAHHH


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I has a job interview today. In 3 hours time to be exact.


I'm a registered nurse, but haven't worked as one for about 2 years due to health issues, but now I'm ready to get back into it. So far it all sounds very positive, and the whole arrangement has been very informal. The job I am going for was not advertised, but I heard about via my mother, who works for the same organisation. It is a resthome outfit, that has 3 retirement villages around the area. They are looking for an RN who is willing to work in all 3 places, so my mother passed on my details to her manager, whom I called a few days ago, and she wants to meet me today.


I haven't had a chance to get my hair cut, so at the moment I kind of look like a long curly haired version of Bert from Sesame Street.


Fingers crossed!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got the job!!!


They offered me a casual contract, an on call kind of thing to fill in gaps in the nursing roster. At the moment they have 3 night shifts a week available to cover maternity leave.


Casual suits me fine. It means I still get to spend lots of time with all my babies.


Thank you for all the positive thoughts and well wishes!

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Great news I'm so happy for you. Here's me trying to cut down on working so much I just cut my hours from 4 nights a week to 3 and 6 hour shifts instead of 7. I'd really like to retire but I'm only 52 yrs old I didn't have my 13 yr old daughter I would have retired 2 yrs ago when I sold my house and bought a doublewide 1500 sqft manufactured home outright no morgage yeah. I love her to death but she's a very normal teenage girl so she cost allot to keep so between her and the birds I still have to work to keep them living the life they are acustom too. OH well least I can get away with just working 18 hours a week I hope I really don't want to work anymore than that but by cutting myself by 1 day a week Its a 400.dollar deduction in my income each month its going to cramp my daughters style just alittle:laugh:

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