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Ziva's vet visit


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I took her/him to the vet on Saturday and it was quite interesting. He said he's 99% sure that Ziva is male by looking at her. (We're gonna say 'her' until we know. Too confusing!) He said the feathers around her vent do not have any red to them and that usually indicates a female. Her behavior that I described is also male. I've never heard of sexing a CAG that way but he's Mr. Bird Vet in LA. Very smart and a heck of a nice guy.


He did bloodwork and gave me a vial to send to Zoogen for sexing because the lab he uses costs $60 and Zoogen is cheaper. I only wanted Zoogen because I'm tempted to have the Life Jewelry done at some point.


So, I'm sitting here with a vial of blood and have not sent it off because they want a name to put on the certificate with the sexing results. I'm not sure if I'll keep the name Ziva is she's a he. I'm so confused. I'm not sure if I should change her name if she's male and I have no idea what I'd change it to. She's been Diva for 6 years and now we're calling her Ziva. That might be enough change. Not sure. I do know that I don't want a male bird named Diva! :P


He said her liver shows something is going on. It is probably just her seed diet as everything else looks really good. I am to convert her off of seeds completely over the next 6 weeks and he will recheck bloodwork in 4 weeks to make sure the labs are not worse. She is not thrilled with the new diet tapering I'm doing and I feel like hell.


He got to see how she is not stick or hand trained and he said it was really sad. He said it will take awhile to get her trained since she's 6 and not trained. She also freaks out and bolts when attempting to train her, which is not making it any easier.


So, that's where we are at the moment. She hated being toweled and put in her Adventure Backpack. She kept repeating, "OOOOOOOh, Sh!t." It was kind of funny.

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Joann, thanks for the update on Ziva. I hope the diet change fixes everything with her bloodwork. Have you been looking on the internet for male names? As long as your baby is healthy that is the main thing. Ziva's comment on having to get in the Adventure Pack is funny!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!

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Sounds like a GreYt xam was done. :-)


Hopefully a dietary change will improve the liver results.


Youve brought Ziva a looooong ways already and with you care and patience, I have no doubt a stepup will happen over time.


LOL on the "Oh Sh?t". Ziva is probably thinking "Now what the Hell is going to happen at the next place?" :P

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I made the mistake of stopping in at the bird store first and bringing her in. She had stayed there before when her former human couldn't care for her and the staff there are the people that would go to her home and groom her. They love her but she's not fond of them. She was so scared being there that we didn't stay long. I drove her from there to the vet office. I'm thinking she doesn't like her Adventure Pack at this point!<br><br>Post edited by: ZivaDiva, at: 2009/06/02 00:59

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Not to worry about not likeing her Adventure pack a few fun outings will change her/his mind. He comment was funny though I must say. Ihope you don't have to many problems converting her diet good luck with that. I know how you feel about the name on the Dna certificate because on mine it says Shady African Grey Congo and after I found out she was a girl I changed her name to Adaya so now she has the wrong name on her Certificate Oh well nothing can do about it I'll just say its her middle name if anyone asks:laugh: Adaya Shady Edward how does that sound good enough to me.:laugh:

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The rest of Ziva's lab work came back fine. It looks like it's her diet that's making her liver results wonky. I'm trying to change her diet and hope I'm not starving her. She is one unhappy parrot and tried to attack me the other night.


I finally sent in the blood to Zoogen and we should know her sex tomorrow. I can't wait. I'm not sure why but I want those results now! I have no idea what I'll do with her name if she's a he. I might just change it to Z.


The vet said to start off with 50% seed, and the rest is veggies, some fruit and Harrisons pellets. He said to mix it all up so she can't just eat the seed out a dish. Well, she's not happy! I'm supposed to cut it down by 10% each week. I don't know how to cut it down by 10% as I don't measure the food so it's pretty much the same as it was last week! I need to go poke around and look at changing the diet posts.

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Oh poor dear neglected Ziva! It's such a hard life being a well loved parrot with a mommy who wants nothing but the best for her baby.


Tell Ziva I commiserate with her, being forced to eat yucky vegetables, when all ya want to eat is junk.


Good luck with the diet change. Greys can be such stubborn buggers lol.

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Poor Ziva is not happy with her new diet but for her own good she needs to stick with it, good luck in getting her switched to a healthier diet. You will find lots of ideas and suggestions in the bird food room so be sure to go over it thoroughly.


Glad to hear her bloodwork came back good and be sure to let us know if she is a she or he, I will venture a guess as male.

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