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Ok so I havnt posted this cuz I just wasnt sure, But now I know for sure....For the past WEEK Ecko has been saying "Hello!" Oh my Oh my! This is so amazing...He is so smart! He is just 11 weeks old! Now it is still not perfect...But he is defanitly saying it!


Another milestone that happened yesterday, He is flying and landing perfectly! Yay! He has been trying for a while, But just crash landings, But now he is flying like an old pro :)


He is down to 2 feedings a day...He is eating big bird food all the time...He is head first and tail feathers up in his food cup all the time, haha...He has been spitting up some of his morning feeding too now, so I am going to cut that one back a to a little less now too.


Anyway, Thats the update ;) Hope all is well with all of you and your fids too!

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How did you figure out the setting on your camera to take his flying pics? I cant figure out mine... uuugghhhh, I use to know how but I forgot...I have a Sony Cyber Shot...


If anything I will get a video of him flying and post it to my Photobucket, And then try to copy and paste the link here, Will that work? haha I guess it is worth a try, I dunno how to post the videos, Just pictures.


And thanks for sharing my excitement too! I almost forgot, He took his first shower last night too ;) He didnt like it or dislike it, He just did nothing, lol So I dunno We will see!

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The setting on my camera has a "dual image stablizer" button and that is what I use. I don't know if yours has it too. But yea the video will work if you upload it on photobucket and post a link on here. Can't wait to see it. :P


Thats great that he took a shower! Have you gotten aloe vera juice to spray on him after? It shows a big difference in the feathers, Eckos feathers are so shiny from it. I shower him every other day.

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That is so great Adaya is really trying to talk also I've heard her say a couple things and I repeat what she says in hopes that she will say it again but she doesn't so I'm not sure you know how it is. WOW 11weeks and talking & flying like a pro. You have one smart little baby there. I have a Sony cyber shot also but I can't help because I don't now either I know on a 35 mm you have to use fast film to catch action shots you have to speed up you shutter thats all I know.

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JD, that is fantastic, you must be so pleased with Ecko, he is one smart bird.


Beau's hatch date is 7th Jan and he is also trying very hard to talk. He tries to say "he's a lovely boy" he has the right tone and get's the correct amount of Syllables but he hasn't got it quite right yet. I can hardly wait but Beau is a little older than Ecko so he is doing wonderfully well, congratulations. I hope you gave him a little treat for being so clever.

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Thanks guys, Well I am off to figure out my camera, lol...I found the book so I am going to go read it and figure it out, Ethier way I will post pictures in just a bit.


I was so suprised to hear him talk, Till today I just thought, " Nah, It cant be..." And When he says hello, I say hello, And then he says it right back to me...And so I have been waiting to see if he kept it up before I said anything, lol...Cuz I just thought I was hearing things or something! But Like I said it is still like a mumble, I will try to get a video of him saying it, You might not even be able to understand him, haha, But I know that is what it is and he is just practicing to make it sound better :)


Pics and hopefully videos soon to follow!

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Ok here is a video of him flying, Couldnt get his first word on film yet though :dry:


How old is Ana Grey? And yes I did give him a speacial treat for being so good :), I baked him fresh birdie bread and he LOVED it! ;)


Hope this works, Its my first time posting a video...



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Jooles what you describe there is exactly what Cleo is doing. She makes noises in the right tone of "voice" and the correct syllables for "what ya dooo-ing?"


I told my partner she was doing this, and he just went "uh-huh", because he couldn't see how those noises equated to speech.


Funny bird really, my Cleo. She is a bit weary of my partner and won't go to him, unless he has food. Then she will fly over asap and sit on his shoulder and try to steal whatever he has.

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Thanks everyone, It is so funny, He is in the other room right now, Practicing talking, and when he says "Hello" pretty clearly, My Quaker (which can talk exellent, lol) Says "Goooood Boooyyyy!!!!!" Like really excitedly! lol, It is so funny listening to those 2...This is the 1st morning they have done this...Every day something new...it is SO much fun!

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Thats so great I love the video he's growing up so quickly. Sounds like hes got a very good cheering section also. With your Quaker cheering him on he might be talking sentences in no time.You just go ahead and post as many videos as you like and we will keep enjoying them you can bet on that

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