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Medical Help, Please!


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Hi, all! I just got back from bringing one of my African Grey's to the emergency vet. They had no clue what is wrong with Poppy. Here's the deal:


You know that weird space behind their lower beak where it looks like there is a piece missing? It's called the interramal region or space. Well, on Poppy, this space seems to be filled with fluid. When I gently take his beak and lift his head up high, the pouch kind of goes back up, but when he puts his head normal, the pouch/fluid comes back. He is not acting sick at all. He was asking the vet techs at the clinic if they wanted a kissy, chatting to everyone. He seemed his normal active self today. After we got back home he immediately went to his food dish and started eating. Nothing seems amiss, except for this soft pouch behind/underneath his lower beak.


Does anyone have any thoughts? My avain vet closed at 8:00 p.m. tonight, that's why I took him to the E-vet. Lots of money spent and I still know nothing. They did fax his info to my avain vet whom I will be on the phone with FIRST THING tomorrow morning. I would just like a little peace of mind during the night hours that my little guy will be o.k. until morning when we can get him in to see a vet who knows at least something about birds.



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Daffy Toones, propose your vet to look at his eyes. This fluid build up could be coming from that. It's just a thought, but a logical one. I would ask him about it...

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Guest Lidia


That's perfectly fine and normal. It's his tongue you can feel, not fluid.

I know the hinged area under the jaw looks odd when you first get a parrot, just a piece of skin stretched out under the beak, but you get used to it very quickly. My CAG Joshua loves to be tickled and very gently scratched there.

Honestly, your little fella sounds just fine and he'd certainly let you know if he was not well.

Lidia:kiss:<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/06/30 11:35

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Guest briansmum

if he's acting his usual self, and his weight is fine then chances are theres absolutely nothing wrong with him and it is probably just his tongue.

i had a similar experience when I first got brian, because i was hand feeding with a syringe sometimes there was air in it and this would inflate the crop area over the back of his shoulder/wing, so it was like a big blister with fluid (which was the baby food) in it, naturally i paniced. so when i went to the vet all flustered he explained everything and told me just to watch how much air was in the syringe. needless to say now he's eating solid food it doesnt happen anymore.


anyway, point being, im sure it's perfectly normal. let us know what your avian vet says.

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I would have LOVED to have taken Poppy to an avian vet last night, but there simply was not one available at 11:00 p.m. I do have an appointment this morning, however, with an avian certified vet (not my usual one, he's off for the weekend). What is hanging down from Poppy's interremal space is not his tongue. Normally, I cannot even see this tissue. I will let you all know what the vet says when I get back.


Thanks, all!!

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I'm back from the avian vet. He didn't really know what the pouch hanging down was, but felt it to be residual from some sort of trauma, such as Poppy's nail scratching that area or something. I don't really know if I agree with it, but, oh well. The pouch seems to have subsided a bit. It is still there, but not nearly as large as it was last night. The vet did feel that Poppy is a little underweight. Any thoughts on getting my baby fattened up a bit?

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Guest briansmum

yes, poor thing has seen 2 vets in as many days and must be feeling a bit under the weather. i think you should treat her to lots of her favourite yummy treats, will hopefully make her feel a bit better and should put some weight on too. keep us updated

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