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Jake flew away


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Dan, this is great news!


I will keep everything crossed tonight that this turns out to be Jake!


PLEASE let this be him and he can return home where he belongs:)


I will be praying for you and Kim tonight Dan, be sure to let us know as soon as you can:)

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I so hope this is Jake and you are very lucky indeed Dan to find him, I can imagine he is very stressed out at the moment being away from his family and being out in the "wild".


This will be a long 24 hours, I know exactly how you feel but let us know as soon as you find out, we want to know too, this has been like losing a member of our family, our greyt family.

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Dan, this is wonderful news! I am sooooooo pleased you seem to have found Jake. This news is truly uplifting and I can't wait for confirmation. Please post as soon as you know! I just knew Jake would try to avoid that thunderstorm, animals are more clever than us and know when a storm is brewing and your Jake is a clever bird not only for doing this but for surviving the heat and finding food for all this time. God bless Jake and you your family.

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It's Jake and He's Home!@@! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just got him in his Cage, he's sitting on his perch preening after he made his way up his ladder to his top perch where he always sits. He is now preening very contentedly. :-)


I would say about 1 mile from our house, he walked to the front of the carrier I had him in and grabbed the front door watching the trees go by and his eyes and excitement becoming greater and great until we pulled up in the driveway and he could see the front of the house, then he started rattling the cage door.


He is very tired, eating like a horse at their house while I was talking to him. Something very scary happened to him though, that only he knows what. But, something had got a hold of his tail feathers and the center portion is missing about e feathers and around 4 are shredded to varying degrees. He obviously narrowly escaped something. Also, his voice is very weak (Squawk actually) maybe he has laryngitis from screaming so much during these last 10 days.


Well that's it for now, I'm (and Kim)going back over and wooing him to a peaceful sleep. :-)


I want to thank you all again for your support and encouragement through all this!!!



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Yeah Jake is back home safe and sound but not without a scare, poor thing, only he knows what he went thru but that is all in the past now so I would imagine he will be watched more carefully now so this doesn't happen again.


I'll bet that was so heartwarming to see him act so excited when he knew he was home, now go and spoil the little bugger for you have a few days catching up to do.

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Fantastic news!!!!! I couldn't be more delighted for you and Kim but especially for Jake for now he is safe once more!!!! Whatever Jake's adventures were will always remain a secret I hope he can learn from them and decided his wanderlust is now fulfilled!!!! Praise the Lord!!! Hugs and kisses to all in your household!!!:cheer:

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Oh Dan that is just the best.I am overjoyed Jake is home safe.Omg thats the second lucky break he has had,ARE YOU SURE HE IS NOT PART HOMING PIGION:lol: I am just so happy.You look after him and spoil him rotten and he will soon be back to normal.<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2009/06/06 06:54

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This site was my first port of call this morning and I'm so happy that Jake has been found, smiles all round then :) Jake must have the same amount of lives as a cat I recon.


Hope he enjoys being spoilt rotton for a few days now whilst Dan and his family enjoy welcoming him home. :woohoo:

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