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my african gray baby PLEASE HELP.

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hi my new baby coco is now 16 weeks old.

BUT IM a bit worried. her foot is not looking right to me . the 1 with the ring round it. the inside claw look broken or something but is just not right to me.

i have phoned the breader and they told me to take her over to the house so he can have a look. when we got her i had some funny feeling she was not fully hand r.

i have a strange feeling dont know why. but i have had a baby in the past as well. what can i do or what do i need to do. i do have insurance cover on her with golden valley. think its super cover. can some one please addvise me i have to take coco to the breader tomorow. thanks xx

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Take Coco to the vet ASAP! The breeder is not a vet and can't give you the right answers. Is the band too tight? Maybe it needs to come off. Is your baby limping?? Can he walk on it? The band might be cutting off the blood flow to that claw. Please call an avian vet ASAP and please let us know what happens! :S<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/05/26 16:38

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Caitb is spot on. Please take your baby to an avian vet to have this checked out.


Youve had your baby for about 3 weeks now, did this just happen? Has it fallen or gotten it's foot stuck in something like a toy or door?

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hi thanks for the replys. i will phone tomorow and take coco. i seen coco had a bad claw as soon as we got her home. the ring on her leg is ok and not to tight.

why should the breader then ask for me to take her there to his house .?. i dont know why. he just said bring her to see him but he is not a vet.just a breader.:whistle:

do i need to take my insurance and what will happen will i have to pay out loads of money. im very worried.

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Probably too late now but you should have taken Coco to see an avian vet right after you brought her home for a well check but I agree with the others, take her to your avian vet.


Your breeder may have wanted you to bring her to his house because he knows there was something wrong with one foot before you ever brought Coco home, thats what I suspect.


Yes it will be expensive but if you have insurance that should cover it or at least part or most of it.


Let us know what you find out and I hope Coco will be ok.

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