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Well .......Dayo was Jabberjawing


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Dayo was jabbering up a storm ............Then I pulled out the camcorder to record this.......He talks a little, but mainly seems focused on watching me record him......


At one point he says to turn the water off. When I am using the water in the sink and he is down on the countertop, I will ask him to "Turn the Water off" and he will climb up on the water facet, climb up on the handle and his weight pushes it down, thus turning the water off. :-)


During the video, he says peekaboo, dance, whistle and I don't remember what else....


Hope you enjoy this video...


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Thanks Dan for sharing Dayo with us. He is like my Ana Grey as soon as I get my camera out she stops playing or chewing on her toys and looks at the camera and becomes a model not an actor. What to do with them. I love Dayo's bomb sounds they would go great with Sully's laser gun sounds if we wanted to make a war or action film!!! :woohoo: :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/05/26 01:15

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Dayo really does sorta clam up when you get the camcorder going but he is still entertaining to watch, he does enjoy chewing up those almonds and I couldn't tell if he actually ate any, I think he just likes the feel of it in his beak.


I wish you could get a video of him turning the water faucet off, that would be so cute but thanks Dan for sharing that with us and may I say he is a fine looking grey.

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Dayo's a very pretty boy. I like his bombs away impretion also that so cute He really like to break up almonds like Judy said I couldn't tell if he actually ate any. He reminds me so much of Tyco when he was throwing his toys off the play gym and smashing them against it . Tyco does that too Tycos not big on hanging toy but she loves foot toys.Thank you for sharing that with us I totaly enjoyed it. Please more when you ge the chance

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Thanks folks, I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Carol - I feed Dayo a seed mix by Kaytee called Fiesta mix, Kaytee spicy blend pellets, Harrison's pellets, Veggies of all types, my own 7 bean mix with oat groats, pasta, flax seed, safflower seed and some small veggies like peas and corn all cooked up in a huge pot then frozen in snack baggies so we can take one out each day, thaw it and feed.


We drip Red Palm Oil on everything except the kaytee seed and nut mix 3x a week.

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Dayo is so handsome! I love that bomb drop whistle, I'm trying to teach Ecko that but can't find the noise to use, how did you teach Dayo it? I also like "turn off the water" how cute! I would love to see that trick, maybe you can hide the camera somewhere so he doesn't see it and get shy. :P

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caitb2007 wrote:

I love that bomb drop whistle, I'm trying to teach Ecko that but can't find the noise to use, how did you teach Dayo it?


I just whistled it, did the crash sound effect at the end and then said "Crash!".


I associated this with our game he loves to play of get the Ball, Boing or Baby. When he throws one down to the floor I would do the crash whistle and sound effects. It took him all of 3 days to start doing.


They pick things up very quickly when it's associated with something or they just happen to like the way it sounds. :-)

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Dayo looks wonderful. Whisper will sometimes clam up too when I get the video camera out. Have you tried putting it on a tripod or propping on furniture. He won't pay any attention to it if you are not behind it. I have lots of great videos of whisper this way which I will share one of these days when I get around to editing and uploading them.:S

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Char wrote:

I have lots of great videos of whisper this way which I will share one of these days when I get around to editing and uploading them.:S


Ok Char, you just committed yourself, now we're ALL expecting those videos!! ;-)


I will have to try the tripod. The only problem is, Dayo moves around quite a bit and I need to follow him with the video camera.


But, I'll give it a go, maybe when he is sitting and preening. Many times he will run through every word, phrase and whistle he knows while doing so.


Just sitting here waiting for those videos now. :-)

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