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To shell or not to shell...


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..that is the question.


I've recently discovered that Beau seems to get more enjoyment out of his food if given whole. I used to cut his grapes in half but really there is no need as either sliced or whole he just eats the centre and discards the skin. With pastatios I've started to give him them unshelled and he seems to get enjoyment from turning them over and over in his beak until he finds the opening - he hasn't seemed as interested in them when given already shelled. Obviously with brazil nuts, walnuts etc. the shells are too hard but has anyone else tried other nuts unshelled?

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Thats great that Beau likes to work a little to get the reward, just don't give peanuts in the shell as the shell can harbor mold and fungus.


Another idea is to hide those nuts in other things that he has to work to get them out and toys that you hide treats in and they have to figure out how to get to them. I have some block looking toys that have a slide open side that you can put things into and then they have to figure out how to open it to get the treat.

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You should also try beans and peas in the shell. I give ours a whole mangetout (sweet pea thing) and they love to find a way to break it open and get the peas out. They also love beans and trying to get the the insides out of it.


Another thing I do is make holes in a bell peppar, stuff it with food and hang it whole in the cage. They go nuts over it trying to rip it apart to get the food out.

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Azzie I always take the seeds out, just put my fingers in the holes that I have made and losen the seeds and wash them out under the tap. I don't know if the seeds are ok for them, but I was always told they are not good for humans so I always take them out just in case it is the same for birds.

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