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My Son, Matthew Had an Accident!


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My 10 year old son, whose father (against my wishes) bought him a dirt bike last year, had an accident yesterday. He was BY HIMSELF (yes, I know, fathers...where is their brain?) and the throttle stuck, he lost control, hit a cement post, and both him and his bike went flying. He then remembered, he didn't have his cell phone on him that I bought for him so if something happened, he could call home, (yes, again...fathers....) SO he had to get back on the bike, and drive himself home to his fathers house. He doesn't remember what he hit, but he has the worse case of road rash on his leg, and a laceration cut thru the muscle and the bone was exposed. It required a backboard, and a ride to the hospital where we spent 7 hours. He had 4 stitches inside the wound, and 25 outside. He is now home safe and sound with crutches on the couch. :) Thank God, I bought him a new helmet as his father refused to buy him one that fit him last year. And he did have some padding on that he had for his upper body. He is pretty sore, but Thankfully, he will be okay.

Today, I am saying my prayers...he was very lucky. :huh:

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OMG Talon, I'm so very sorry to hear that! Grrrrr I'd be so angry with his father! You are right, he was lucky. Let's hope father has got the message and nothing like this happens again! Here's to a speedy recovery.




BTW Would you like me to tell you where exactly their brains are???

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Thank God Matthew is all right. I hope he realizes what a very lucky little man he is!!!! Thank God you had the foresight to buy him a newer and better helmet. As for that father of his, someone should paddle his behind to jiggle his brain a little bit!!!!

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OMG Penny, but it could have been a lot worse, thankfully he was wearing his helmet that you bought for him.


As for his father, he never should have bought a 10 year old a dirt bike in the first place, he is too young to be operating such machines and what happened only proves that. You don't buy a child's love with expensive gifts.

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