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Koko wants the original recipe


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Koko loves fu chuk yi mai. My wife cooked fu chuk yi mai yesterday for the 2nd time because Koko loves it.

I fed Koko a small piece of steamed pumpkin for dinner. She just ate a little bit. 1/2 hour later, I made myself a bowl of fu chuk yi mai. I added a little of it to the pumpkin bowl, Koko took a few bites then flew onto my shoulder wanted to eat mine.

I added a little more to her bowl telling her it was the same thing. She didn't want to eat and flew onto my shoulder again.

I cleared the bowl of the pumpkin remains to add in some fresh fu chuk yi mai. She was standing on my shoulder as I was scooping the boiling hot fu chuk yi mai. Koko was impatient, she walked down to my arm heading towards the pot. I told her "No" and "Wait". Surprisingly, she retreated and walked back to my shoulder. She finished the food after that. Darn, she is damned fussy. She wanted original fu chuk yi mai not pumpkin plus fu chuk yi mai.:S



Fu chuk yi mai is a Chinese soupy dessert. It contains barley, gingko nuts, cream-coloured sheets of bean curd, egg and soy milk.


I wasn't sure if parrots could eat gingko. I didn't feed her the nuts.

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Oh boy do I know how that is my bird check out my plate totaly and if its not exactly whats in their plate they let me know really quickly that something is missing. then if I don't respond they will come over and try to steal what ever it is that is missing from their dish ;)

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