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Ecko is weaned!


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I'm so proud of my big boy! Ecko has stopped eating the formula for a whole week now and has not lost any weight. I now consider him officially weaned, YAYY for Ecko! He will be 16 weeks old tomorrow, WOW 4 months old already. It is such a great feeling to have him eat on his own, I really enjoy watching him eat and try new foods. I have been giving him oatmeal and apples since he stopped eating the formula and he absolutely loves it. He also loves his fresh cooked veggie mix in the mornings and at night. He isn't that big on fruits yet but I still offer it to him and he usually just licks the juices but doesn't eat the fruit. He really loves all the varieties of beans and just about all the sprouts. He eats his pellet, seed, and nut mix very well but he doesn't eat as much pellets as I would like him too.


I have had him for 2 whole months now and this has the best experience ever. He is such a great companion and has bonded with me and my boyfriend so well! He also really likes my mom and sister. He is such a good boy and will step up to anyone that offers their fingers. I absolutely love him and can't wait for many more years with him. Anyways thanks for listening and sorry for blabbing about my baby. :lol:


Of course I have pictures, LOL I love taking pics of him!



He took a shower and then I sprayed him with aloe vera juice.



Haha! look at you, your all wet!



Eating a strawberry, the only fruit he likes!



Being such a sweet boy for a head scratch!



And this is what he is doing right now, he is soo sleeepy!



:woohoo: :kiss: :laugh: :P:);) B)<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/05/25 02:31

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Echo is absolutly gorgous He sounds allot like Adaya she doesn't eat as I would like either I haven't tryed oatmeal yet but mabie I will see if she likes it. she likes all her veggies she loves cooked carrots she's not crazy about mashed food but will eat some of it and as long as she eats some of it I figure shes getting enough to supply her with the vitimins she needs she just loves all veggies and leafy greens raw so Thas wonderful she also loves her dried fruits and her seed and nuts Shes a good little eater and was totally weaned at 14 weeks but I'm sure Tyco helped with that because she watched Tyco eat all the time.the only difference between Tyco and her is that Tyco loves her pellets and eats allot of them she even eats the ones out of her seed and nut mix plus her Zupreem fruity, I wish all my bird liked pellets as much as Tyco does. but then again Tyco is the least fussiest bird I have she eats absolutly everything. I think that comes with being a rescue I think she probubly went hungry allot and now she just loves food. Sorry Catlian I didn't mean to take over your thread. I'll stop now Ireally like hearing how Echo is doing then I can kinda compare notes to make sure Adayas kinda on the same track you know how it is.

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That's fantastic! I can imagine you are all bursting with pride and rightly so!:) How much does Echo weigh now? Spock only ate half of his formula this morning and then finished off with his smash. He does not like oatmeal or fruit much (same...licks them except blackberries)Spock and Echo are within one day of each other. Echo is such a pretty baby! I'm sure he is taking good care of his slave....{Feel-good-00020069}Jay and Maggie

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B) That's a okay weight. Spock's active too...loves to play with the dog:laugh: We got his Aviator and we let him play with it and wear it for short periods until he quits picking at it...;) We have to wait until dusk or at sunrise before we can take him outside because it has been in the 120's outside :laugh: Jay and Maggie

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Thats GreYt news Caitlin, Congratulations!!


Ecko is one beatiful Grey and loks happy and healthy as a well errrr Horse to use an expression. :-)


Thanks for sharing the photos, you know we expect more and videos too!! B)

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Hip Hip Hooray! ;) That is Greyt news! Congrats you guys!


I was wondering, Is he a DNA sexed Male? I am thinking of getting my Ecko sexed, But I dunno....I SO think of him as a boy, And if the test comes back that he is a girl, it will feel like I dont know him anymore or something, lol, I know, That sounds really DUMB, But oh well


I love hearing updates! Thanks for sharing!

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No problem ;) I also love to hear your updates! Yes he is DNA sexed a male. You should get your baby sexed. Just go to avianbiotech.com and order a kit and its only $25. You have to pluck the chest feathers yourself :pinch: or you can have someone else do it if its too tramatizing for you. haha I had my mom do it because I didn't wana hurt my baby but he didn't even notice lol.

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I got Adaya sexed and I thought she was a he and it turned out to be a girl. I ended up changing her name because Shady just didn't sound girly enough for such a pretty girly girl but it certinly didn't change the way I felt about her she is just the best thing that has happened to me in a very long time. I just Love her sosososo much.{Love-0002011E}

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It wouldnt change the way I feel about him, It would be more like I would have to get to know him all over again as a girl, lol...Like I know him as a boy, And if they said he was a girl, I would have to like get to re know him as a her...If that makes any sense...haha...But it wouldnt change the way I feel about him, Or Her...haha...I think I am going to do it, I had a dream about it last night :silly: And in my dream I was reading a book on greys and getting to know them, and it said that you should always get them sexed, because there will always be that unsureness on your end that the bird would sense...Isnt that silly! Made sense to me though ;) I dont want to wonder forever...I just wanna know!

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Oh I know what you exactly what you mean Hannah. It would feel like starting a new relationship with a girl bird lol. I was so anxious to find out his sex thats why I did it so soon lol. The breeder always said he was a boy but I had to know for sure.

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Lol thanks! Yes you may ask ;) He is pretty much holding his weight but it does go up and down. It ranges between 428-433 grams so thats why I say he weighs about 430grams. I weigh him every morning after his big poop :sick: How is Spock doing?

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