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Bristish Sun Question


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Could I leave Tigerlily out in the british sunshine (in a cage) all day without any shade?


or would she get sunburn (or the bird equivalent)

or dehydrate,

and how would i know if she's getting too much sun and too hot?


or can our dear friends never get too hot or too much sun?

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Talon is spot on.


They must have an area of the cage that is shaded. Also note what the outside temperature is going to be that day. My birds will start showing signs of over heating at around 95 degrees in the shade after being out for an hour or so.


This is noticeable by the wings held slightly away from the body and beaks open a 1/4 inch or so due to heavier breathing than normal.


Also note that all metal in direct sunlight becomes very hot and can burn your birds.

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I guess it's common sense really, put your bird out late afternoon/evening when the sun is weaker and make sure the bird has plenty of water and shade.


Dan makes an excellent point about the meatl on the cage getting hot - one thing I didn't think about but Dan, "95 degrees" and "British sunshine" do not go together...in our dreams maybe :laugh:

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Im from the UK aswell. I've harness trained my grey, so when the weather is warm enough to venture outside we spend hours in the garden. I leave her a supply of water and just keep an eye on her for the signs mentioned above

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I take Adaya with me in the car allot and If I'm driving the car I use for work it doesn't have Air conditioning but its cheep on gas. any way when its hot out I have seen her start to overheat in 15 minutes I always carry a bottle of water with me in the car it doesn't take much to pour a little water into the palm of my hand and then soak Adaya down with it she cools down almost imediatly I always keep the windows open about an inch also she knows with her harness that she can't go to far from me she just sits on the back of my seat or the head rest, or on my shoulder. she loves going for car rides and walks heck she just like to go out and check out the rest of the world.

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