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Wonderful rescue in VA


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Hi All,


I came across this rescue and sanctuary doing some research and thought I would share the link. They are a GreYt non profit organization.


I wish I lived in close proximity to visit.


Judy, this is in your neck of the woods or atleast drivable I believe. :-)




Project Perry Inc. / The Central Virginia Parrot Sanctuary


P.O. Box 1208

Louisa, VA 23093

(540) 967- 0447<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/05/24 16:00

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I have heard of it but I have never visited but I plan to if at all possible, it is several hours away but I could make a day of it so I could spend some time there. You have to put your name on a list for they do not do visitations on a daily basis, only at certain times so I will email them and see what happens.


Thanks Dan for bringing this to my attention for it is something I will gladly check out.

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You got it Dan and even though I had heard of it I had no idea they had such a large aviary for just greys, I will do my best to check it out, would make a wonderful day trip, maybe if I can get something planned maybe you could fly out and join me on the visit.;):P

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

This is 1 of my favorite rezQz. I hope to one day have a toucan rezQ of this kalaburr.


Some rezQz R really run by animal whoredurrs :evil: and I am not about that.

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OMG Dan - this place looks fantastic. I am so glad there is at least one place like this out there, and I hope word spreads about it and some more of them develop in other parts of the country along this philosophy. Sadly, I'm afraid that the grey's popularity these days is going to make places like this crucial and much-needed...

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I sent an email to the Sanctuary and got a response that I could come on the 6th of June but that date does not work for me as I have training that day for the upcoming election primary on June 9th. I sent a reply for the next available date and haven't heard anything back yet but will keep you informed.

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Wow, this is turning into a wonderful thread. :-)


It's GreYt to see so many are near by.


The idea of many of you going on the same day is a GreYt idea. Maybe have a Grey Forums Volunteer Day? Lots of people going meaning getting to meet each other and of course with all the cameras and camcorders there, lots of photos!!! Woooo Hooo!! Hope it works out. :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

As promised I have arranged to go visit the sanctuary on June 27, I plan to arrive at 11 am to volunteer for a couple of hours then the actual visit starts at 1 pm. I inquired about bringing someone with me and they said I was welcome to bring a friend so if anyone wants to go along with me or meet me there that would be great.


I plan to bring my camera to take lots of pictures and will share some with you all here, I especially want to take a lot of the african grey aviary.


This will be an all day excursion for me as it will take me several hours to get there and I will probably stay until the visiting hours are over but I am so looking forward to it.


Are any of you willing to join me or meet me there?

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judygram wrote:

I plan to bring my camera to take lots of pictures and will share some with you all here, I especially want to take a lot of the african grey aviary.


Are any of you willing to join me or meet me there?


Can't wait to hear ther report and see all those photos Judy!!!


Now, someone that lives with in a reasonable distance needs to step up and go with Judy!! :-)

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Wow, this is great!


Well, I could fly over Judy if you can put me up for a few days:whistle:


Only joking, there must be someone to take Judy up on her offer, its a great opportunity to meet and have a wonderful day, I wish I could go:)

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I wish you weren't joking, I would love to have you come over and go with me but I understand you can't leave your fids and I don't blame you but the offer still stands for anyone else close enough to go with me, I would love the company.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am supposed to go to the sanctuary next Saturday, June 27th and the offer still stands if anyone wants to go with me. I should get an email any day now with the address and the directions on how to get there but I would love for someone off the forum to go with me if at all possible, I can't wait.

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I'm all set for Saturday to visit the sanctuary, I have a friend from the bird club going with me and we are off to Louisa to visit project perry, I am so excited about going, gonna take a lot of pictures and I will share them with you all when I return.

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This place is pretty cool too, and they have directions for building a large ooutdoor aviary out of a costco car port for those of us interested in bigger, better outside time for our fids. Their site seems to be off today, the links are down on it, but when it is back its worth a look. Some of the picks of their grey colony are too friggin cute.



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