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So many choices.. and now the Bennet Cages!


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So now I have come across a brand new site and must do so more RESEARCH before I make my final cage purchase. This site is truly very impressive and I can't believe this all exists!:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:


All of this is made out of aluminum so I have to learn more about this metal in relation to my parrots. :blush: :blush:












http://bennettimps.com/index.php/The-Liberator.html<br><br>Post edited by: lovethatgrey, at: 2009/05/24 15:00

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Wow! Are theses costly.....B)


I have recently bought to very large cages for both Rikki and Talon. I spent about $500-$600 a piece. They are so large, I could never take them in the tub and hose them down, but I do clean them several times a week. I have found the heavy duty powder coated ones clean up real easily! :cheer:

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Those are very nice cages but too pricey for my budget, maybe if I ever win the lottery but in the meantime they have adequate cages.


Do keep us informed if you do decide to purchase from this company, I would be interested in what you get.

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Beautiful I'd have to sell my house and move in with them to afford them I got a geat deal on Adayas cage it was on for 1/2 price reg price was 549. and I bought it for under 300. including tax and its big 42x36x72 she has so much room in there she's just a little bird. Jeepers my macaw cage is the same size except its only 64 in high and has a playtop. and Tycos cage is 40x24 x68 with a playtop Adayas cage is a dome top. Ifind all of the cages I have for my birds are plenty big enough they have tons of room and they are out most of the time anyway they are basicly just for sleeping in the only bird I have that isn't out all day is Adaya because she's a baby and doesn't quite understand that the other birds don't want her on their property. Shes learning my Amazon is okay with it and so is Tyco but I worry about my Macaw he is quite possesive about his cage because he was locked in there for so many years by his previous owner. So Adaya has to take turns with him for out of cage time. she gets out for 3 hours in the morning During this time we do flight training for about an hour and then in the afternoon I take her out for her hour walk around the neibourhood on a harrness she likes to fly outside so she flys in circles on her harness for about 30 minutes. then on my days off sun,mon,tues, she comes out in the evening and spends quality time with me. So all and all my bird don't have allot of in cage time so I think their cages are plenty fine for the four hours that I work four days a week from 5pm til 11pm and and their bedtime is 9pm so basicly there is only 4 hours of cage time til its sleep time

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