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New Here - Getting first CAG in Aug or Sept


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Hey Dan.. This would be a GREAT time to BLOG your babies life from beginning to forever in our BLOG section.. Why not give it a try.. I am sure everyone here would love to read about the daily adventures of your baby.. :P I know I sure would.. .

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Guest Lidia


Wow, that is a BIG baby. Or are you a small little person? He does seem really large, though. Beautiful baby, you'll have such fun. He must be of the elusive Cameroon stock, the largest of the large AGs. Gorgeous bird.

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Hi Ceasar - Thats a good Idea. I will start on that!


Hi Lidia - My Wife is 5 ft 10 inches tall, so she's not a small person.


Maybe these Babies are over weight at 11 weeks and I do know she said she had just fed them about 45 minutes before we got there and she weighed them.


I am not sure how ounces ounces are contained in that very large feeding syringe, but that is certainly in the weight.


Thanks - Dan

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My Grey is supposed to be a Cameroon, and he isnt that big! :ohmy: I dont know his weight, but I do know the breeder is tired of this particular bird eating so much haha. He's still eating a Macaw serving. Yet the last I saw him he was 9 weeks and had just be moved into a cage and was barely able to stand under his own power. I imagine the 2 weeks difference we have is a critical growing time.


I'll be certain to weigh em in on Wednesday an report back with photos.


Still thats a Cameroon you have there Dan, it matches all the pictures I have of them. They have a lighter grey shade of colouring and of course the larger size.


As an interesting side note, the name "Cameroon" is taken from a city in Africa. Since a 'Congo' comes from the heart of the jungle they are smaller with less need for protection and defense(easier to find shelter) plus they need to travel shorter distances for food. A Cameroon comes from the further reaches of the jungle and poachers would take the "Giant Congos" they trapped nearby to the city of Cameroon. When the Grey's were exported, they were exported from Cameroon! When they arrived in North America, likely the customs agent told to band them noticed the colour and size difference and thought this must be a different sub-species of Grey and as such used the city of export on the papers to signify the difference. In fact, Congos and Cameroons have no differences biologically. So really, Cameroons are the result of paperwork! lol Even wild animals cant escape from being screwed by the system.:S

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Geoff - Thanks for that great historical background and species variation of CAG's themselves. I did a google and found the information very interesting.


One thing I ran in to though, really upsets me....The way the poachers trap, handle and export these by the hundreds to (I would imagine) other countries that do not have the propective Law's we do here in the USA.


It seems that 50% or so of the CAG's die from the trapping and transporting back to the "Shipping" shack they have.


I am infuriated ! :angry: I wish this icon had smoke coming out of it's ears to match mine....


Anyway, I did not realize the size difference existed between area's they reside.


Thanks - Dan

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Hi Judygram,


Thanks for the interest and comments. Now I need to go look over some others Blog's and see how to properly compose one. :laugh:


I will do my best to start from the beginning and go until You and all the other users tell me it's too much :ohmy:


- Dan

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