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Adaya is so smart


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I've been practicing recall with Adaya and she's so good at it now. I tell her to flyand she will flyoff my hand to one of the varius perches around the room and then watch me and as soon as I raise my hand above my head she will fly to me she's getting so good that she will do it anytime she see my hand go up even if shes playing with Tyco or a toy she is so so smart and its just for lots of praise not for any kind of edible treat her treat is me getting excited with her and telling her what a smart bird she is. I'm ver excited about it not that I would ever free flight her without some kind of harness but its really fun to teach her new stuff she catches on so fast. next I think I'm going to see if I can get her to come from another room where she can't see me just by calling her name.

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Aw how cute and smart Adaya is! Aren't these babies so amazing! I swear I have just as much fun with Ecko as you do with Adaya! I love reading posts about how Adaya is doing. She is so smart just like Ecko. I am trying to teach him on command too and he is slowly getting it. I also taught him to fly to his perch when he is on me. I say "fly to the perch Ecko" and he actually listens most of the time. I love watching him learn. Thanks for sharing :)

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Adaya has motive she gets praise and scriches and mom getting excited because she is so smart They love drama and I geive her thay when she does what she was taught to do. I find for my birds thats all they need to keep doing it right. they are amazingly smart and love to learn new things. as long as i'm willing to teach they are more than willing to learn. I think they would learn new thing almost without the praise and excitment they get just for the interaction with me and the new game thats fun for them to play. Tyco does all kinds of thing she can wave she pays a game my daughter taught her its called Shake & bake play for keeps its actually really funny to watch. when you wave your hand up and down saying shake and bake play for keeps Tyco speads her wing fluffs her feathers and then struts around bobbing her head up and down saying shake and bake play for keeps it really funny and Tyco does it so well.

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