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Harness Nightmare!!


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After trying the harness supplied when we got Harvey (to no success) we bought an Aviator harness. Played the DVD, read all of the instructions and decided that Harvey would love a trip outside. What an absolute nightmare. Never, ever again will we try and introduce him to this. I don't know who was more harassed, us or him. Decided now that for trips outside into the garden so that he can join us that we'll buy an extra cage to keep in the garage. I had such hopes for outside fun!!!


You are so lucky if your baby likes theirs - mine definitely doesn't!!! :(

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it maybe a good thing that you purchase another cage for harvey as he will get used to the sights & sounds of outdoor life & maybe he will take to the harness after a few times getting used to the outside world Good Luck Jilly

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So sorry JillyBeanz that Harvey doesn't react well to his harness. I do love your Avatar!!!


Ana Grey doesn't really like hers either and once I get it on she is always fussing with it. I must distract her all the time to keep her from biting at it. Perhaps she just likes to be free.



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Sorry to hear of the experience you had with the harness.


It normally takes a while just to get to the first stage of getting it over their head, then being able to lift their wings to get the harness over each.


It took me about a month just to get the harness on the first time without exasperating Dayo. The first time completely on, he was very distracted by it and the leash. IT was only on for about 5 minutes and the hardest part was getting it off with suffering multiple bites. A peanut or something else for them to chew on in frustration as you quickly remove the harness usually provides the best experience for them and you.


I knew one person that became so upset, that it further upset his Grey and in desperation he cut the damn harness off!! Needless to say, he never tried harnessing that Grey again.


It takes small steps and a lot of time and patience in most cases even when they are very young. Some might just readily accept it, but that is not normally the case.


Again, sorry you and your Grey both had a bad experience.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's really unfortunate but I'd agree that maybe trying again in the very far future might be something to try, after Harvey's gotten used to outdoor sounds etc.

when you're ready to try again (say in a year or so)... I'd recommend starting from the very beginning and just hanging it outside his cage. Also buy a different colour.

My grey (he's almost 10 and i'm his third guardian) has an Aviator (he was introduced to it when he was about 9 years old and it took about two months) and wears it like a champ... but absolutely hates putting it on. I tried the over the head exercises and my grey hated them, so now I know I just have to take his head and guide it through the collar. He tries to run away if it gets to close to his head but once it's over his head it settles down and doesn't usually fuss unless i take too long.

Again, I'm sorry your fid didn't take to the harness and that you both had a terrible experience (reminds me of the time I used the feather tether..ugh) But in a little while if your ready i think in the long run you might have success :) !

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I have never tried a harness for Charlie,I know he would not have any of it.I have an aviery in the garden and he quite happily goes in his carrier to the aviery and gets his fresh air that way.

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