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Being Attacked By Twins lol


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Natasha-There doing GreyT over here eating, I have to work this morning and I was hoping that they would get a chance to run around before I leave BUT I guess not! lol They usually beg to get out but today there more subdued and eating up a storm lol.


I clean out there cage 2 times a day so they don't step in poop and eat old stuff but I will do that in a few minutes. I clean out there cages when they eat there wet food because i's so messy.


How's your little guy doing?

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The Guys are doing great getting me under now lol..there is 4 of them husband,2 CAGS,and the dog but I enjoy every moment with them.......The new one is setting in wel he is so graceful while there is Boesman :ohmy: boy his a naughty little bugger he got hold of my lipstick cover this morning needles to say I had a cover lol............


I'm so happy the twins are doing gryet!!!

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