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Koko finds her way up


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Yesterday as I was going down (Koko was on my shoulder) and my wife was going up the stairs, Koko jumped over to my wife. Koko wanted to follow my wife. I picked her from my wife and proceeded walking down the stairs. 3/4 way down, Koko took off, made a semi circle and landed on her play gym which was hanging below the stairs. She climbed up and reached the metal railings of the stairs, then climbed from one railing to another railing until she reached the uppermost railing. From there she flew into one of the rooms looking for my wife.


This is the 1st time she went upstairs on her own.

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Wow, now that really shows Koko's determination and willingness to do whatever it takes to get to her Mom.


It also shows she put that large Grey Matter to work and figured out just the right path to take, regard less of the peril involved in braving those slippery rails, jumping across deep crevices between rails and god knows what evil monsters could be lurking at any point.


Thanks for sharing this story of Koko's great adventure of getting upstairs. :-)

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You know what, it was my turn. I was in my room (upstairs)with my daughter watching movie while my wife was watching TV downstairs yesterday night. Koko was with my wife. Moments later, my wife opened the room's door. There stood Koko at the door. My wife said she climbed all the way up looking for me and was standing outside the door before my wife realized Koko was missing from her sight.

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