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Willows bad day.


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My Timneh, Willow, has a crooked beak which has steadily gotten worse so we finally went to the vet yesterday. Poor baby had to be toweled and have her beak drilled in order to correct the problem before it could become scissor beak. Her eyes were so wide and scared, I cried watching her. The good news is that the vet thinks that we can have it corrected completely with one or two more drillings. I hope that is the case. It was awful having to have her go through that though. She's fine now though a bit quiet today and she keeps running her tongue over her beak... I'm sure it feels weird.


On another note, I brought home a Red Belly who was in need of a home 3 days ago. Does anybody have experience with these guys? He seems to be adjusting okay... he already told me he loves me so that's something right? :)

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Poor Willow. I'm sure it was traumatic for her but very necessary. Hopefully the next visit with the vet won't be so terrible for both of you!

Congratulations on your new Red Belly- what is his name? I have Senegals and they are in the same family- great little birds! If he is already talking to you it sounds like you are on the right track with him.

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Poor Willow, it's always gut wrenching for us to see them grimace and struggle when going through a procedure like that. They just don't understand that it's to help them.


It's good to hear the vet believes it will only be a month or two for it to be corrected. Karma to you for taking such GreYt care of your Grey.


Thanks for for the update. Keep us posted on how her attitude is doing. :-)


I have no experience with red bellies.

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I have been through this kind of thing with Whisper and I have to say that I was amazed how quickly she gets over it. As soon as the vet lets her go it she puts it behind her. Same thing when I have toweled her. She does not hold any grudges. I hope Willow doesn't either.

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oh man and my little milly (mitred conure) has a bad scissor beak and is going to her A. vet on the 2nd. eeeek i am learning something new all the time.


wonder if it is a procedure i shall have to learn myself or what.


hope milly is as forgiving as willow. she's a pretty good sport and did put on a good show the first visit she had to the vet.

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I so glad he vet feels her beak can be corrected. Your very brave to watch the vet do these kinds of proceedures I can't watch this kind of stuff I'm just the rescuer when its all done. I get the vet to have her assistant help and I leave the room heck I even had trouble watching my vet pull 3 feather out of Adayas wings to have her Dna tested I almost cryed. I must say though your a wonderful mom to get this fixed quickly before it turns into a sissor beak and cause her lots of problems good for you.

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Willow says thanks for all of the sympathy! :lol:


She seems to be doing alright. She hasn't talked since then but she is still loving and sweet as ever. It's clear her beak is bothering her... she keeps running her tongue over it but I don't know if it hurts or just feels weird like when you get a new filling at the dentist ya know? Anyway, she got hand fed some oatmeal today just in case the seeds and nuts are too hard for her poor, tender beak. (she's not spoiled at all)


The Red Belly is named Nicholas. He seems to be nervous but he lets me give him scratches and sits on my shoulder. He's so calm. I wonder if that's really his personality. Time will tell!

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I'm so glad to hear that Willow's beak can be corrected, it was the wisest thing to take her to be seen by the vet. Her beak probably has a different feel to it so she is constantly checking it out by rubbing her tongue on it but she will get used to it.


She doesn't seem to hold a grudge like some do, Josey is pretty much the same way, once we leave the vets office she is pretty much back to her old self.


I do not know anything about a red belly either but congrats on your acquistion of Nicholas, and it will take some time for him to show his true personality but like you said, time will tell. Would love to see a pic of him if you have one you would share with us.

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Sorry to hear you and Willow have to go through this, but I'm glad the problem is correctable and that Willow is taking it in stride. At the next visit you might want to try either not being in the room when the drilling is happening, or being in the room where you can talk to her, but where she can't see you. That way she'll be less likely to associate you with the frightening treatment, and you get to be the rescuer, like Pat said. If she's really taking it well this might not be necesary, but I'd hate for the trust you have with her to be damaged by something she can't understand is for her own good, y'know?<br><br>Post edited by: Acappella, at: 2009/05/26 03:11

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Thanks Acappella. That's good advice... at the same time, I'd feel like I'd be abandoning her if I left the room. But I don't want her to associate me with the trauma. I like the idea of being where I can talk to her but she can't see me. I'll try that next time.

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