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Playing belly up


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Cleo has taken to playing with me in the last few days. She will chase my fingers, and will also hang from my clothing and end up going belly up on my lap or in my hands.


I wonder what this means, exposing her belly and throat like that to me. I'm guessing a bird is very vulnerable like this, with all the soft areas exposed, am I correct in that? Because if that is the case, she must trust me a lot to be able to play like that with me.


For starters the playing with me is new, and there there's that belly up thing.


Or is she simply having a good time playing?

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I cannot even IMAGINE Maxi doing that, although Tanner, my macaw, will. Maxi has this real southern-etiquette-dainty-lady thing going on - she will not brook any offenses to her personal dignity. :P :P I think she woudl regard this as "veddy VUL-gah beHAV-yah" ... :P


God bless little Cleo - what a cutie!

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Yes it's wonderful to know she trusts me THAT much. And she is so lovely...I Know how hard she can bite, but when she's chasing my fingers she's reasonably gentle. She grips on with her talons though and my arms look like I've been dragged through a blackberry bush backwards.


And...I am certain she ALMOST said "what ya doing?" earlier this morning. The tone certainly sounded like the way I ask her.

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Dixie started hanging upside down and chasing my fingers in her cage after about two weeks in our home. This week (I've had her for a month - she's 15 months old) she has decided that the only way she is going to come out of her cage is if she can grab my fingers and come out hanging upside down. This has been going on since Sunday.


This morning she decided that she didn't want to turn upright, so I gently put my left hand under her to turn her right side up and she just let go and lay in my hand. This bird is so spoiled!!! I tickled her belly for a few minutes. When she had had enough she lifted her head and grabbed my fingers with her talons and righted herself (with a little assistance). I'm glad to see others who's CAG like to go "belly up" on occassion and that it means a level of trust that is beyond all others, and I feel so special!

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Azzie and rbpittman - Your Greys are definitely at ease with you both. That is the ultimate level of trust.


Dayo will also do that and it is those precious moments that say " I love you this much". :-)


Congratulations to you both and GreYt job on bringing your Greys to this point. :-)

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Boesman also hangs upside down(on my clothes) and boy he clings for his life lol........also when I open the cage he clings my fingers and won't let go I can try and put him anywhere he just refuses to let go :woohoo:

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Well I guess I'm extreamly fortunate because I can lay 4 of my birds on their backs in my hand without any problem Adaya my baby, my Indian ring neck, My Amazon Fergie and Sprout my GCC all of these birds except Fergie I've had since they were babys although Adaya was the only one that I handfed the other two where totaly weaned. Adayas been playing on her back with me since she was 7 weeks old. I was her Mama so trust just came naturaly to get her to roll over on her back was just another fun game to play with her mom it wasn't hard at all to get her used to it.

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