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Milestone for Maxi


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We had an exciting event a few days ago. Maxi's flights have been gradually growing in, and she has been trying out little short flights in the birds' room - going 10 or 15 feet before either having to try to bank (to break her impact with a wall) or landing on the floor.


Well, the other night I happened to be standing with her at one end of my living room, from which point you can see the single longest straight shot within my house: through living room, down hallway, into guest bedroom. It's about 60-70 feet. Suddenly she took off, and not only flew all the way, but flew all the way LEVEL, and managed to bank at the end and not hit the wall hard!


:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: I was SO excited for her!


I went down, picked her up, and walked her back to the living room - and she proceeded to take off again in the same line! :) This time she sloped down to the floor by the time she got to the bedroom - gotta start working out those flight muscles! :P


You could just tell how proud she was of herself. Now if I can only get her past harness-phobia...!:whistle:

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What great news about Maxi learning fly :)

Every time I got Misty to fly I would say "Fly baby" or "Misty fly" to try to teach him to fly on command. It hasn't worked out like that but he does say "Fly baby" or "Fly Misty" when he has a fly around:laugh:

I hope you have good success with the harness training. Misty makes a terrible fuss if I even attempt to put him in a harness but live in hope.

Please keep us all posted.


Steve n Misty

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