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OUR babies are coming home today!!


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Well after months of me being here on the forums and having a bad heart break of a deceptive "breeder" or babies TWO of them are coming home tonight at 11:56pm Eastern time. I am sooo happy it's been a long struggling few months, I worked for 6 days three weeks straight just to bring my babies home! It's amazing what you will do for the beautiful creatures isn't?


There cage:





There sleeping cage/Travel Cage:






All there different kinds of pellets:





His and Her blankets lol:





I wanted to Thank Everyone who has been in my corner and who has been on this amazing journey with me.


Caitiln you and Jane have been my cheerleaders these last few days cheering us on and now it's here.


Also Janet, Sheila,Penny,Jungledreamz, Caroline and Lovethatgrey and who can forget about Dan and Judy??



Thank You all for the love that I have gotten here and now at 11:56 pm my babies will be here.{Love-000200DA}


I of course cannot FORGET about Tina our amazing breeder!!! She paid for the babies to be shipped here as a suprise for me! What a hell of a lady! My heart is so full and so blessed Thank You soo much Tina for everything!! {Love-000200BF}


I can finally say that I am OWNED by not 1 but 2 baby Greys!





Post edited by: CarolandFamily, at: 2009/05/21 15:12


Post edited by: CarolandFamily, at: 2009/05/21 15:18<br><br>Post edited by: CarolandFamily, at: 2009/05/21 15:31

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CONGRATS Carol!! Woohoooo today is finally the day! I am sooo excited for you. You are so prepared for these babies! Their cage is so nice with lots of toys, and wow look at all that food, and the his and her blankets are soo cute! You are so lucky to have found such a nice and caring breeder! I bet you guys will keep in contact and remain great friends. I wish you the best of luck with these two babies, your going to have SO much fun! I can't waiiitt for the home coming pictures :woohoo:

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I'm so excited for you I can't wait til their home tonight and hear how their first night went. they may be off schedule for a few days due to the time change but will soon be on track they will probubly have you up at 5:00 am for the first day or two. I cam't wait I;m probubly just as excited as you :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: are. :woohoo:

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Yay! I am excited for you!!! I cant wait to see first night pictures! I bet you wont be able to sleep when you get them home, You will just wanna play with them all night! I know I would!


Keep us posted on how everything goes, Counting down, Not long now!!!

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That's GREYT NEWS!!!!!! Wow you look REALLY prepared....I'm loving the "his and hers" blankets!! Cage looks fantastic too! They are going to be so excited to see all of it! PLEASE keep us updated on their homecoming...and of course BABY PICTURES!!

:laugh: :) :laugh: :) :laugh: :) :laugh:

Lots of love out to you and your new FIDS!

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Time to celebrate!!!!!!!! I'm so so so happy for you Carol! You done your time.....now it's time to celebrate!!!


p.s. my breeder wrote me an email today and told me that he's got one TAG egg in the incubator and another 3 eggs still in the nest of the other breeding pair. Think I might have my pair after all????? Now all I need is the MONEY!!!!


I'll be watching you closely Carol to see what's in store for me LOL!!!! :silly:


Blessings to you and ALL of your little ones! wine2.gif


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Carol!! YIPPEE!!!!!


At last, the big day is here, I so want to cuddle them babies and give them a big kiss lol.


I love the cages but the his and her blankets, now that is just too cute!:kiss:


I probably wont see an update until tomorrow with the time difference but I cant wait!


You enjoy those first hours with your babies wont you?


Everyone is blessed to own a grey but two together, thats really something:)


Congratulations and welcome to our new forum twins xxx

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OMG You all havew brought me o tears they will be here in 2 hours and 19 min but whose counting lol. Thank You everyone for all the love here {Love-000200DA} I am so happy I came home and took a lil nap. I am also looking at these empty cages that wil soon be filled with twins! I will let you all know when we leave from here I am going to call the airport to see if the plane is on time so we can plan on when to leave :D


Thank You once again...

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Ok everyone we are getting ready to leave sooo I have to go get dressed! The babies are coming sooner they will be here at 11:42 pm! Here's the kicker I have to be at work at 10:00am! I am going to be beat!!!{Feel-bad-00020080} lmoaaa. I will post pics as soon as I can!!1 (((HUGZ))))

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