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what do you think about normal feather plucking


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What I would consider as normal is the loss of the downy white feathers whilst the bird is preening. The bird also tends to run his beak along the shaft of the grey outer feathers whilst preening but shouldn't pull them out. Of course the bird should moult anyway at approx 18 months old although I'm not sure if this happens once or twice a year thereafter.

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There is no "normal" feather plucking, they are either preening and getting out the feathers that would otherwise fall out on their own or they pluck, plain and simple. Plucking is a problem with greys but I wouldn't refer to it as "normal":dry:

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There is no such thing as normal feather plucking.

Birds who need to pull out broken or damaged painful feathers --that's an injury.

Birds who are chronic or acute pluckers do so for a variety of reasons, none of which is normal.


Birds who help remove old dead and dried feathers---That's molting.

Birds that constantly scratch at dried, scaly skin in order to loosen older feathers---that's molting.


The name of this thread should be


"what do you think about normal feather preening and molting"

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