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will my baby be okay??????????


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Adaya ate half my button its just a tiny one off a mans shirt She chewed it off the shirt and it broke in half and I tried to take it away from her and she swallowed it. Now Im worried will she be okay will it bo strait through or should I take her to the vet I think she chewed it into little bits first before she swallowed it

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Yikes. I have no idea but wanted to say I hope everything turns out ok. I've heard of birds passing all kinds of things and being ok but also heard of awful stories when they didn't.


Can you call your vet and ask?? A button sounds like it might get stuck and/or cause some pain moving thru.


Good luck and let us know what happens.

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The button was so tiny just the collar button on mans shirt and I found half of it so she only swallowed a tiny bit of it I tried to take it away from her but there was noway she was giving it up. now she's got me so worried the vet said that they shold be able to get it out no problem I guess they will just empty her crop poor baby

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Thankfully, most of the time foreign objects remain in the crop and can be retrieved pretty easily. Good thing you managed to get an appointment so quickly. Adult birds can swallow pretty big items, but the fact that plastic doesn't break down like food would worry me that she might impact her crop due to it.


The first time I tube fed a bird, I lost the darn tube into the crop. Thankfully, I was supervised (never tube feed any bird without learning from a vet or qualified person first) and learned how to get the dang thing out also! It's scary though, regardless.


Good luck to you and that gorgeous Adaya.

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Adaya Either spit it out or crunched it up small enough to pass through the gizzard because there was nothing in her crop. the vet said to make sure that she's pooping normaly and eating normaly for the next couple days and to feed her lots of papaya to help her pass it quickly I have to change her papers often so I can make sure she's pooping ok. So I'm hopeing she will be okay the Vet said theres a good chance if its gone from the crop then she should be ok I hope so I'm just a basket case. I'm suppose to go to work tonight and I don't want to go and my daughter also haveing her baby and I should be there for her also what a day I don't know what todo


Well I phoned someone to cover my shift at work so I'll have some time at home before I have to go to the hospital I can watch Adaya to make sure she goes potty regularly I cut up some fresh papaya and gave her some Apple sauce so if that doesn't make her poop good and slippery nothing will.I just hope it passes. I checked everywhere for the rest of that button its definatly not anywhere to be found she must have really crunched it up small to have it go through so quickly. the little brat. Even my vet told her she not to eat forein object all the while Adaya chatting away like nothing in the world is wrong. Baby birds are as bad as human children putting everything that their not supposed to in their mouths I'm going to have 20 new grey hairs tomorrow after this I'm sure.


Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/05/21 00:32<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2009/05/21 00:35

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I can imagine how you must feel Pat, I would be so worried and on pins and needles until I saw those pieces of button pass without any problem. You have much on your plate tonight with Adaya and another grandchild on the way, let us know how both turn out.

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