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Controling the droppings


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Hahahahahahahah..............I mean, are you serious? ;-)


The only solution to that would be a flight suit, but then you need to be able to get it on your bird, then get the diaper like a baby to keep him clean. :-)


Clipping does not stop pooping in various places. They climb and wlak if not filght and where they go, so does the poop. :-)

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I make sure everytime I get ZZero from the cage we go to his potty place, I tell him Bombs away and he goes. I try to put him there every so ofton but somtimes I am busy he will usually fly there himself and go then go back to what he was doing.

I also have poop stops thru the house these are baskets that are his in everyroom so he knows he can go in them. I keep a rock with a paper towel wrapped around in the center so it doesnt land on his toys.


You CAN potty train, you need to be persistant if you see him doing the telltale signs go for a step up imediantly and move him to preferred spot and say a command. ZZero will almost always go when asked to.


Poop still happens though, we and they arent perfectbut I got the majority controlled.

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That is wonderful!!! It's a real cool feeling when I leave the house to go grocery shopping with poop on my shoulder and don't find out about it until I get home. Why couldn't my family have told me befoer i left the house? - grrrrrr Always do a Potty Check! LOL

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Josey does not poop on me any more but Sunny is another matter but I never go out with any poop on me for I wait until I am getting ready to leave before I change clothes, that way I am sure I am ok.


Some have great success with potty training their greys, Josey will give me signals that she is about ready to drop one and I hold her over a trashcan and she will squeeze one off.:sick:

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