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down powder


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guys...this problem have been bugging me since i read and was told that gray have ALOT of down powder? and i dont like dusty feeling on the floor or table.


isit true? it become a concern when i want to get 1(gray)


i keep thinkin, how much is much(powder)?

is it really alot?


how to minimised it?


i know one of the solution is to bath the bird often, but, most gray hate bathing i guess...another problem, how to get them like bathing


any suggestions please

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They do have dander but to be honest I have never had a problem with it and we have 2 greys. It's not like the whole floor or table have been covered in it.


I do vacuum everyday though, but that is more for the wild west look of down feathers that accumulate everywhere especially in the corners of the rooms, not to mention the food that has been thrown around the room as well.


Bathing them does help with the dander, but it certainly doesn't stop it, you will always have the dander. We also have an air filter in the birds room as my boyfriend has allergies which helps reduce the dust.


With the bathing you just have to try different things, some like the shower, others a bowl. It really does depend.

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Get a couple of good air cleaners and this will help also. a quick dusting everyday and a dust moping on the floor will take care of the dust but they are very messy or can be depending on your birds personality I have one thats very tidy. I also have one that loves to bath so it really does depend on your Greys personality the other Grey I have is the complete oppisite and loves make huge messes .

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Honestly, with all of the pooping and pellet/food/toy flinging going on, we really don't notice the dander. Ha ha! We haven't found the dander/powder to be a problem for us, and we live in a 2 bedroom apartment (1 grey). We do vacuum often both with the full sized vacuum and a small hand-vac, but that is mainly for the feathers and pellets that get scattered around.


As far as bathing goes, I purchased a bottle of Avian Rain from my vet's office. When that ran out I just went to Walmart and bought some Aloe Vera juice to refill it. Chimay will tolerate a bath in exchange for a pine nut, and it really made a difference in the feel of his feathers. We do that mainly to keep his feathers and feet moisturized, not for dander-deterring.

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hi...im putting him in front of the windowwhere they can see outside. however, the half bottom of the cage is lower than the window. and the window will be half closed if im out(leaving only 1/4 of the cage exposed to the window)

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hi...im putting him in front of the windowwhere they can see outside. however, the half bottom of the cage is lower than the window. and the window will be half closed if im out(leaving only 1/4 of the cage exposed to the window)

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hi...im putting him in front of the windowwhere they can see outside. however, the half bottom of the cage is lower than the window. and the window will be half closed if im out(leaving only 1/4 of the cage exposed to the window)

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hi...im putting him in front of the windowwhere they can see outside. however, the half bottom of the cage is lower than the window. and the window will be half closed if im out(leaving only 1/4 of the cage exposed to the window)

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