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Tuki's Home!


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Ok I got home with Tuki around noon today! I havent taken any pictures yet because he seems to be nervous. Since i put him in his cage he just stands in his food dish and when I try to get him to step up he makes a low noise that I believe is the nervous sound. Is this normal for his first day here? I have toys in his cage but he doesn't seem to be afraid of them as he fell asleep in his food dish and i figured if he was that stressed out he prob wouldn't be sleeping. so what can I do to get him acclimated ? Also he was plucking when i first put him in, but i believe he has stopped that!

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That's wonderful news! I'm sure Tuki will settle as soon as you get a routine established and that this behaviour is considered normal especially after having undertaken a long journey. I think the best thing you can do for him is offer a "comfort food" or treat and give him a little space. Try leaving the radio on or the TV if you have to go out to get him used to sounds of the house. Most importantly enjoy him.

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Tuki needs time and space at the moment to settle.Just let him adjust. Dont expect anything from him such as step up right now,he will still be very scared.Just sit by the cage and talk to him.Maybe see if he wishes to take a treat from your hand in a day or so once he feels more at home.Be calm and quiet round him,especially when cleaning his cage and feeding.Offer food he is already used to eating and make no changes to his diet yet,if this is needed it can be done once he feels more at home.Right now he needs reasurance and plenty of nice words and treats.

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What do you mean by plucking??I would guess thats hes just preening and that is a good sign! you are gonna see little white fluffs but this is normal you probley shouldnt be seeing any grey feathers for awhile.


Congrats on your baby and enjoy him!! I would just sit and talk softly tell him everything your doing, I sat and read aloud to Zzero for many hours till he acclimated


he will be outta of his shell in no time! Good luck

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AWW Congrats on bringing Tuki home! Its normal if he is a little scared, its only been a couple of hours and it takes them weeks maybe even months to completely settle in. What do you mean he was plucking when you first put him in? Do you mean he was preening? Or actually plucking out his feathers? I'm sure he was preening himself since he is so young. Anyways I can't wait to see pictures, don't rush it though, I know he is scared.

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Congrats Melissa on getting Tuki home safe and sound and yes like the others have said he needs a little time to settle in and feel comfortable before you see his personality come thru. Thats great that he took some treats from you and soon he will be feeling right at home.


I look forward to seeing some pictures when you get the chance to share some with us.

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