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Shrek and Pheona update


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well its been almost a week since we seperated them .Shrek does not seem to be affected he is the same ole happy guy . But Pheona is starting to change Instead of sitting their being a grump and growling all day , she has began to chew on her toys and whistle a little. Funny thing , it was our male cockatiel who got her out of her shell. through the day he goes over to her side of his cage , he puts his wings up in a territorial display and dances at her, it really seems to aggravate Pheona and Fred is lucky she cant reach him. Anywho he does his display and she fluffs up and bawks at him and they climb up and down the cages doing this for a while , then he goes back to his nest box and she plays a little , squeaks and whistles , its nice to see her come alive , ( even if it is to destroy my cockatiel)Fred never bothers Shrek I guess he is not very interesting to him .It is really interesting to watch . We did clip Shreks wings Everytime we go to feed he wants to try to fly around and he is horrible at it. he is always flying into things , so we clipped him for his own safety and he has calmed down alot since then . As for Fred and Wilma they are happy little brooders right now around the first week of april we should have our first chick were excited .Hope all is well with you and your featherd babies.:)

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I would imagine Pheona was a little peeved over her eggs being taken and placed in the brooder. ;-)


Normally breeders are kept together all the time. I would assume you seperated them for a reason other than just Pheona being a little angry over the egg snatching?


Thanks for the update and I hope all goes well with those eggs in the brooder!! :-)

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pheona has no eggs sorry for the cofusion My cockatiels (fred and Wilma ) have the eggs , the greys still nothing but we seperated them to help them rember that their is more then just hiding and growling were hopeing for eggs from them soon we are going to re introduce them about the middle of next month if things go as planned :)The tiels still have all their eggs it looks like 3 fertile 1 dud

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